Justice for Servando Salazar

**Distraught Family Demands Answers at Prime Wheel Plant** Family members of Servando Salazar Cano rally outside Prime Wheel Plant, demanding justice for his disappearance amid delays in investigations and search efforts.

### Family Members of Servando Salazar Block Prime Wheel Plant Entrance

Amid cries of “Alive he went in, alive we want him back!”, the family members of Servando Salazar Cano staged a blockade at the entrance of the Prime Wheel plant, located in Cañón del Padre, Tijuana, on Wednesday, September 18. They demanded justice from authorities regarding the delayed inspection of the furnaces, nearly a month after the employee’s disappearance.

“If I don’t raise my voice, I receive no updates at all. Yesterday and today, they called me to the company to discuss the furnaces and some processes they will be implementing. Likewise, today at the Prosecutor’s Office, they provided me with updates that are practically the same as what I was told a week and a half ago,” shared Wendy Bravo, wife of the missing Servando Salazar Cano.

Upon entering the company on Tuesday, September 17, Wendy described the scene as “desolate,” emphasizing the enormous amount of ash generated by the furnaces: “Hope fades when you see a room filled with ashes.”

Wendy questioned why the company delayed the inspection despite prior knowledge of where Servando might be: “In 9 days, what will we find? A warehouse full of ashes.”

Although an internal study of the furnaces has commenced, the ashes have yet to be filtered for analysis, as the quantity is overwhelming. Additionally, no information has been provided to the family regarding the blood traces found in the restrooms since their discovery on Thursday, September 5.

Lilia Cano, Servando’s mother, was only recently called to provide a DNA sample on Thursday, September 19, to aid in the investigation.

“I feel sad and desperate not knowing anything about him. It’s the worst thing that can happen, not knowing where your child is. He left for work, and you dream he is coming back, but he never returns. It’s frustrating and unjust because he had nearly ten years working here,” expressed Lilia.

Wendy also conveyed her fatigue from the lack of information about her husband’s whereabouts. “We want the company and authorities to know I’m still here, and I won’t be silenced; I need justice for him and to know where he is,” she added.

Approximately 40 people, outraged by the uncertainty surrounding Servando’s fate, stood at the gates of Prime Wheel Plant 1, blocking access to ensure the authorities do not let the case go unpunished.

Servando Salazar Cano, a maintenance manager with eight years at Prime Wheel, disappeared on August 23 without a trace after conducting a training session at the company. Moisés “N” and José Alfredo “N,” the company’s engineer and general supervisor, were linked to the case on Thursday, September 5, for their alleged involvement in enforced disappearance by private individuals; however, they have not disclosed any information about the worker’s fate.

### Additional News on the Case

**Inspection of Furnaces at Prime Wheel to Commence Amid Search for Servando Salazar**
The thorough inspection of Prime Wheel’s furnaces is set to begin as part of an ongoing search for Servando Salazar. Authorities hope that significant advancements will be made once the ash is analyzed, potentially providing new leads in the case.

**Prime Wheel: Allegations of Cruel Exploitation and Murder**
New allegations have surfaced accusing Prime Wheel of engaging in inhumane exploitation of its workers, exacerbated by the unresolved disappearance of Servando Salazar. This case has sparked renewed scrutiny over labor practices and safety standards within the company.

**DNA Analysis and Continued Family Vigilance**
On Thursday, September 19, authorities will proceed with DNA analysis to identify traces found at Prime Wheel linked to Salazar. Meanwhile, the family maintains their vigilant presence, ensuring the case remains in the public eye and urging authorities to expedite their efforts in providing answers.

For more information on this and other developing stories, stay tuned to TJGringo.com.