Tijuana Forensic Cemetery Opens

Forensic Cemetery in Tijuana set to launch on October 3rd for unclaimed bodies from Semefo, aiming to provide dignity and identification for missing persons.

### Tijuana’s Forensic Cemetery Set to Begin Operations on October 3rd

Starting October 3rd, the newly established Forensic Cemetery in Tijuana will begin operations to safeguard unclaimed bodies from the Forensic Medical Service (Semefo). This announcement was made by Fernando Ocegueda Flores, the president of the association Unidos por los Desaparecidos de Baja California. According to Ocegueda Flores, the Superior Court of Justice of Baja California provided this date after a recent meeting with search collectives.

Ocegueda Flores stated, “We demanded that the forensic cemetery be completed, which was scheduled to be finished in August. However, we were informed it will complete by October 3rd because it needed to be fenced for security and externally illuminated.”

The cemetery will feature 1,200 niches in its first phase to house these unclaimed cadavers, which are currently being sent to mass graves. Ocegueda Flores estimates that around 18,000 bodies are currently in common graves in Tijuana, potentially identifying some of these as missing persons being searched for by their families.

He further highlighted the necessity of establishing the Forensic Sciences Institute in Baja California to exhume these unidentified bodies, conduct DNA tests, and verify if they match with the genetics of reported missing persons.

### Supplementary Report: Efforts to Address Missing Person Cases in Tijuana

In related news, efforts to address the rising number of missing person cases in Tijuana continue to face challenges. Fear of retaliation has deterred many families from reporting the disappearance of their loved ones. According to recent updates, the State Attorney General’s Office in Tijuana receives approximately 5 to 6 reports of missing persons each day.

To commemorate and bring attention to these unresolved cases, various events have been held, such as the recent commemoration event at the Gallera. Activists and community groups continue to raise awareness, pushing for better investigative measures and support for the families involved.

The need for increased resources, such as the proposed Forensic Sciences Institute, remains crucial in resolving many of these cases. Enhanced coordination among law enforcement agencies and community organizations is essential to address the ongoing issue of disappearances and provide closure to affected families.

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