Sheinbaum on Court Reform

President Sheinbaum calls the Supreme Court’s decision a “soft blow, not a coup,” defending the judicial reform. Analysts weigh in on the potential impact on governance and judicial efficiency.

## Sheinbaum Comments on Supreme Court’s Decision Regarding Judicial Reform

On October 4, 2024, the President expressed her views on a recent action by the nation’s Supreme Court concerning a judicial reform. She distinguished the court’s decision as a “soft blow, not a coup,” dismissing any allegations that it could threaten the Federation’s judicial reform. According to her, the Supreme Court admitting a controversy over the reform is beyond what is outlined in the Constitution, which posits that a substantial public voting result supported the change.

The President further commented on the behavior of Supreme Court ministers, who she accused of seeking to block the nation’s transformation efforts. Despite their actions, she emphasized rehabilitation in judiciary operations, postponing any legal battles against the court’s ministers to avoid being labeled as authoritarian. She stood firm in her commitment to democracy and encouraged judicial workers who halted their activities to return to work, warning that their ongoing strike was affecting national security operations.

Adding tension to the scenario, the Federal Judiciary Council has sustained the strike, extending deadlines and terms until mid-October over the ongoing discussions with workers and judiciary leaders.

## Additional Developments on Judicial Controversy

Recent developments reveal that the implications of the Supreme Court accepting discussions on the legality of the judicial reform have stirred significant nationwide conversations. A parallel concern noted by multiple analysts is the potential for prolonged judicial inactivity which poses risks to judicial integrity and system efficiency.

Coinciding with the President’s remarks, various political analysts have voiced diverse opinions. Some signal the court’s move as a critical test of checks and balances, ensuring all governmental actions align with constitutional mandates. Others, however, underscore potential impacts on governance, pleading for collaborative approaches to resolve the situation amicably.

This evolving narrative continues to draw significant attention, urging a watchful eye as processes advance in the coming weeks. Legal experts and public observers alike are tuned in to gauge the unfolding consequences for Mexico’s judicial landscape and broader political context.