Serious Inclusive Leadership

Amidst political changes in Baja California, Mayor Norma Bustamante spearheads a collaborative approach to governance, focusing on security, economic growth, and environmental improvement. Together, let’s build a better community.

### Inclusive and Serious Program

As the seven municipalities of Baja California prepare to assume their responsibilities, it is worth noting that only Norma Bustamante from Mexicali was allowed to retain her position. Many people recognize that political campaigns are different from actual governing commitments. Last Sunday, several news reports claimed that Tijuana ranked first in the number of homicides. However, the source of this information was not mentioned, making it hard to verify its accuracy. More frequently mentioned states in the context of crime include Zacatecas, Colima, Guanajuato, and Querétaro.

The majority of Mexicans are hopeful that the President of the Republic will implement a serious and inclusive program, characterized by strong leadership and a willingness to collaborate with state and municipal governments as well as citizens. It has been proven that early meetings with military personnel did little to address the challenges. Baja California saw successful crime reduction during Governor JosĂ© Guadalupe Osuna MillĂ¡n’s term through the cooperation of military, state, and municipal authorities.

Acknowledging that crime had not infiltrated as deeply as it has now, it was possible to combat these issues effectively. A significant factor was the competence of civilian police leadership, who were well-prepared, some even trained abroad. The current Federal Government will not resolve these problems by relying on popular sayings or trivial advice. Progress will come through unity and respect for hierarchical structures.

#### Additional Considerations

It’s disheartening to see the enthusiasm with which some politicians were received, signaling internal political inconsistencies. We must hope that new administrations aim for citizen unity to address various urban issues such as cleanliness, order, and environmental concerns. It is essential to collaborate with the Public Works Directorate to remove unauthorized advertisements and political banners from public and private properties. Municipal regulations require permits for placing such notices.

On the subject of stray dogs, the number has increased, indicating a lack of responsibility from pet owners. Animal welfare groups, veterinarians, and the public can work together to address this problem. A proposal is being developed to present to the new authorities.

Luz Elena Picos, Director, Red Social de Tijuana

#### Additional Article

**Baja California Leadership Takes New Steps with Local Authorities**

In related news, the newly elected mayors of Baja California have started their terms with a focus on tackling the state’s significant issues. Norma Bustamante, reappointed in Mexicali, alongside other municipal leaders, emphasizes a collaborative approach to governance.

Security remains a top priority, with Tijuana being notably affected by crime. The local government is working closely with federal authorities to improve safety measures. There is a renewed push for economic development and public safety, aiming to replicate the successes seen during the governorship of JosĂ© Guadalupe Osuna MillĂ¡n.

Environmental concerns also feature prominently in their agendas. Efforts are being increased towards improving urban environments, cleaning up public spaces, and enforcing stricter regulations on unauthorized advertising and littering.

With these combined efforts, the new local authorities are aiming to make meaningful changes and foster a sense of community and cooperation among residents of Baja California.

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