Rosarito Reclaims Justice

New municipal president Rocío Adame vows justice and prosperity for Rosarito, initiating vital security and economic measures, emphasizing community participation and transparent communication.

## Primary Article: Rocío Adame Aims to “Change the Course” and Leave a Legacy of Justice and Prosperity in Rosarito

María del Rocío Adame Muñoz pledged to “change the course and leave a legacy of justice, dignity, and prosperity” in Playas de Rosarito as she took office as municipal president of the X Ayuntamiento for the period 2024-2027.

In her speech, Adame Muñoz noted that throughout the electoral campaign, there was a significant call for a change in governance. “We faced obstacles, were tested, and in some cases, were subjected to aggression,” she remarked, without naming her predecessor, Araceli Brown Figueredo, who did not support her aspirations and was absent from the event. However, former opposition mayors such as Mirna Rincón, Silvano Abarca, Javier Robles, Luis Enrique Díaz, and Antonio Macías were present.

Speaking before over 400 attendees at the central courtyard of the Municipal House, Adame Muñoz expressed confidence that the incoming president of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, and the governor, Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, would undoubtedly support the municipality, although she did not specify any particular projects.

The solemn session, during which Adame Muñoz, the syndic procurator, and the council members took their oath, began at 7:30 PM with a 30-minute delay on September 30, 2024. In the governor’s absence, the Secretary of Education, Luis Gilberto Gallegos, represented her, while the local congress was represented by legislator Danny Fidel Mogollón, who presented Adame Muñoz with the Solemn Government Band.

As Adame Muñoz made her way to the podium, attendees chanted “Yes, we could!”, a sentiment echoed multiple times during the ceremony. Among the notable guests was businessman and former gubernatorial candidate Jorge Ojeda from Fuerza por México.

During a media interaction, Adame Muñoz reiterated her administration’s commitment to enhanced security and economic development. She revealed that she had selected the head of the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection, with the final announcement awaiting the council session at midnight. “We will deliberate a bit and hopefully achieve unanimity,” she stated.

Initial security measures will be noticeable. “We are evaluating necessary actions. The primary role of the police is to protect the citizens,” she emphasized.

The municipal building was adorned with eight red and white banners, featuring the new institutional image, including a lobster and a horse, along with the slogan “It’s Our Turn to Make History.”

Regarding the rest of her cabinet, Adame Muñoz mentioned that appointments would be made gradually, reassuring that there would be no surprises, as appointees come from the local community. “All of us in Rosarito will collaborate to do a good job,” she stated.

The new municipal president asserted that she holds no personal grudge against Brown Figueredo and called for putting conflicts aside, even though Figueredo supported the opposition PRI candidate Fernando Serrano.

Although she secured a substantial victory for Morena in retaining the government of Playas de Rosarito, Adame Muñoz promised a shift in public security, addressing the citizens’ main complaint about the previous administration involving extortions by the municipal police.

One of the initial actions planned is removing red lines in the Central Zone to regain public parking spaces, countering measures by Brown Figueredo’s government.

Last Thursday, Adame Muñoz reiterated good communication with officials from the IX Ayuntamiento and the Syndicate, though she highlighted concerns about the municipal DIF due to unclear information flow.

She clarified that while her administration would not obsessively seek out issues, they would act if irregularities were found.

Upcoming days will see the presentation of her “10 x 100” plan, focusing on ten projects to be executed within her first 100 days, including completing the construction of Morro school, rehabilitating more delegations, and restructuring the presidency. Adame Muñoz plans to hold press conferences on Mondays and Wednesdays.

The council members who took the oath include Stephany Celeste Esquivel Ortiz, Mayra Karina Robles Aguirre, Luisa Vanessa de la Cruz Díaz, Gustavo Fidel Ortiz Mendoza, Yoseline Dellanira Peña Meléndrez, Alan Isaí Bautista Plascencia, Joanna Eugenia Garay Machado, Jannett Sepúlveda Carreón, Luis Ricardo Martínez Cabrales, and Graciela Aguirre Higuera, as well as the syndic procurator, Ricardo Alberto Bejarano Núñez.

### About Rocío Adame

María del Rocío Adame Muñoz, 53, was born on May 25, 1971, in Canatlán, Durango. She holds a degree in Law and has studied Master’s programs in Education and Public Administration. Since 2012, she has been active in the Movimiento de Regeneración Nacional (Morena), initially working to get López Obrador elected as president. By 2014, Morena had become an official political party. Before that, she supported López Obrador while affiliated with the PRD and Movimiento Ciudadano.

In 2014, Adame Muñoz served as secretary of the municipal committee of Morena in Playas de Rosarito. Later, in 2019, she was the organization secretary of the State Executive Committee of Baja California. From 2021 to 2024, she was a local legislator for the XV district and chaired the State Reform and Jurisdictional Commission, as well as the Coordinating Board of the XXIV Legislature. Her last recorded gross salary in the State Congress was 84,289.50 pesos, with a net of 64,535.66 pesos.

### Cabinet Appointments

Rocío Adame Muñoz has made initial appointments to 15 departments of the X Ayuntamiento in Playas de Rosarito, with additional announcements expected during the first council session at midnight:

– **Briza Ariadnna Bentley Ramírez**: Cabinet Coordinator
– **Santos de Jesús Alvarado Avena**: Secretary General
– **Luis Fernando González Vergara**: Secretary of Development and Urban Services
– **Ilsee Yanett Rodríguez Ramos**: Secretary of Welfare
– **Ramón Celestino Medrano Aguilar**: Chief Officer
– **Daniela Lizbeth Urias Barajas**: Treasurer
– **Iran Leonardo Verdugo Contreras**: President of Cotuco
– **Suldma Corina Beltrán Montes**: DIF
– **Armando González de la Fuente**: IMAC
– **Hugo Monroy Rubio**: IMDER Director
– **Rebeca Bejarano Maya**: IMMUJER Director
– **Josué Armando Zamora Ponce**: IMJUVER Director
– **Dalia Salazar Ruvalcaba**: IMPLAN Director
– **Susana Kareli Bátiz Trujillo**: COPLADEM Director
– **Genessis Leaineli Bautista Curiel**: Director of Social Communication

## Secondary Article: New Developments in Rosarito Under Rocío Adame’s Administration

### Rosario Adame Embarks on an Ambitious First 100 Days

Rosarito’s new head of the municipal government, Rocío Adame Muñoz, is prepared to hit the ground running with her “10 x 100” initiative. The plan, which focuses on ten key projects to be executed within her first 100 days in office, showcases her commitment to immediate improvements in various sectors. Among these projects are the completion of the Morro school construction, rehabilitation of more delegations, and restructuring the presidency to enhance governance efficiency.

### Security Measures and Economic Growth

Adame Muñoz has stressed that one of her administration’s top priorities is to enhance public security. By appointing a new head of the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection, she signaled her intent to tackle the issues of police corruption and extortion that have plagued the municipality. Economic growth is another focal point, as the new government sets its sights on fostering a more secure environment conducive to business and tourism.

### Community Collaboration

Rocío Adame emphasized that her cabinet comprises individuals from the local community, ensuring that governance remains close to the citizens it serves. Adame is keen on removing obstacles introduced by the previous administration, such as reclaiming public parking spaces taken over by red lines in the Central Zone.

### Open Communication

To maintain transparency and open communication with the public and media, Adame Muñoz intends to hold regular press conferences on Mondays and Wednesdays. This initiative aims to keep the public informed about ongoing projects and developments.

Rocío Adame’s commitment to changing the course of governance in Rosarito is backed by her extensive background in law and public administration, along with her longstanding involvement with Morena. The community looks forward to witnessing the promised positive changes under her leadership.