Palau Heads INM in Baja California

**Jorge Alejandro Palau Hernández, Acting Head of INM in Baja California** Jorge Alejandro Palau Hernández appointed as acting head of INM in Baja California after the resignation of David Pérez Tejada.Temps Suspended.(30 words)

**Jorge Alejandro Palau Hernández Appointed as Acting Head of INM in Baja California**

Jorge Alejandro Palau Hernández has been designated as the acting head of the National Institute of Migration (INM) in Baja California. This appointment follows the resignation of David Pérez Tejada, who stepped down from his role as the INM delegate in the state on September 13th after serving for one year and three months.

The federal government delegation in the state announced that Palau Hernández’s designation is temporary, and he has yet to be ratified as the official head. The appointment of a new permanent head may be determined by the incoming Secretary of Governance once Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo assumes the presidency.

Prior to his appointment in Baja California, Palau Hernández was responsible for the INM office in Mexico City. His interim appointment has raised concerns among various migrant advocacy groups, such as the Coalition for Migrants’ Defense and the Work Group on Migration Policy (GTPM). These groups have voiced their apprehensions due to Palau Hernández’s controversial past, which includes allegations of aggression against migrants and a policing approach to migration issues.

During his tenure as the director of the Siglo 21 Migration Station in Tapachula, Chiapas, Palau Hernández faced accusations related to an operation where INM, the National Guard, and the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) allegedly attacked around 200 migrants traveling through the state. The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) subsequently issued recommendation 102/2021 to the INM, citing violations of personal integrity and safety, as well as the principle of the best interest of children, in response to this incident.

The potential appointment of Palau Hernández is a cause for concern among human rights organizations, especially in Baja California, a crucial state for defending the rights of migrants and refugees.

**Separate Article: Growing Concerns Over Migration Issues in Baja California**

Recent reports highlight that 2,515 migrants in Baja California are awaiting the initiation of their asylum processes in the United States. These figures underscore the ongoing migration challenges in the region, which are compounded by environmental factors and natural disasters driving increased migration.

Activists working closely with migrants have raised alarms over the growing militarization of the National Guard. They argue that this trend could exacerbate the already fragile situation for migrants, who are often subjected to harsh conditions and treatment.

The state also grapples with the implications of climate change and natural disasters, which are key drivers of migration. The intersection of environmental factors and migration necessitates a comprehensive, humane approach to handling the influx of migrants and asylum seekers.

Additionally, recent headlines point to various local issues in Baja California, such as the urgent need for educational resources, with parents protesting over a shortage of teachers, and heightened scrutiny at border crossings causing significant delays for travelers. These local concerns, alongside broader migration challenges, paint a complex picture of the current state of affairs in the region.

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