Legacy of Father Benjamin Larrea

Remember Father Benjamín García Larrea, a humble Missionary of the Holy Spirit known for his spiritual guidance in Baja California. Celebrate the recent beatification of Moisés Lira, honoring their enduring legacies.

### Remembering Benjamín García Larrea (1927-2024)

Benjamín García Larrea, a Missionary of the Holy Spirit (MSpS) who dedicated over 70 years of his life to serving in various regions of Mexico, especially Baja California, passed away at the age of 97 in Guadalajara. Renowned for his humility and simplicity, Father Benjamín’s legacy is rich with spiritual guidance and community building.

Born in 1927, he spent much of his life in Ensenada, Tijuana, and Mexicali. His influence was felt profoundly in the Sagrada Familia of Ensenada, home to the first seminary of the Apostolic Vicariate of Baja California established in 1939. Former students and clergy alike recall his relentless dedication, which stretched as far as Mexicali and San Luis Río Colorado, where he helped build numerous chapels and temples.

The seeds sown by Father Benjamín and his colleagues bore fruit in the establishment of the Tijuana Seminary and the Sagrado Corazón de María, where Baja California’s first bishop, Alfredo Galindo y Mendoza, was ordained. Today, many of his protégés serve as bishops across the country, including notable figures such as Sigifredo Noriega Barceló (Zacatecas) and Jesús Herrera (Culiacán).

Beyond his clerical duties, Father Benjamín was an avid sportsman and reader, and he was always ready with spiritual advice and reassurance. His trusted presence brought calm and inspired confidence among his followers. The discipline and endurance he displayed in his formative works remain a benchmark for the church’s mission in the region.

The founder of the Holy Spirit Mission, Moisés Lira, who was recently beatified in September 2024, worked closely with Father Benjamín. Lira’s commitment to the marginalized, including prisoners and the sick, earned him the title “Apostle of Kindness.” His beatification is a testament to the vows and mission carried forward by his order.

As we honor Father Benjamín García Larrea’s memory, his contributions to the church and the communities he served remain enduring legacies. The love and sacrifice he exhibited have shaped numerous lives and strengthened the faith of many across Baja California.

### Secondary Article: Celebrating Moisés Lira’s Beatification

In a momentous ceremony held on September 14, 2024, at the Villa de Guadalupe, Moisés Lira, the pioneer Missionary of the Holy Spirit, was beatified. This recognition marks a significant milestone for the Apostolado de la Cruz, co-founded by Lira and Concepción Cabrera de Armida, who was herself beatified by Pope Francis.

Lira’s legacy is extensively celebrated due to his relentless dedication to serving society’s most vulnerable, particularly prisoners, the sick, and youth. His life’s work in the mission aligns with the ethos upheld by Father Benjamín García Larrea and their peers.

The event not only honors Lira but also highlights the broader impact of the Apostolado de la Cruz’s mission. Numerous Bishops and clergy who were once mentees under the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit participated in the ceremony, praising the foundational role Lira’s teachings had in shaping their pastoral vocations.

The beatification ceremony reverberated across Mexico, reinvigorating the spiritual communities and reminding them of the importance of service, humility, and unwavering faith.

As we remember the contributions of figures like Father Benjamín García Larrea and celebrate the beatification of Moisés Lira, the legacy of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit continues to inspire and guide new generations of faithful in their spiritual journey.

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