Issstecali Reform Under Fire

Governor’s proposed reform for Issstecali triggers scrutiny; points to mismanaged funds and proposed changes that may adversely affect beneficiaries, shunning real culprits. Public demands transparency and accountability.

### Imminent Impact on Issstecali: Governor’s Proposed Reform Under Scrutiny

In a move reminiscent of actions taken in 2022, Baja California Governor Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda is spearheading another reform effort aimed at remedying the financial situation of Issstecali. However, this reform targets the institution’s beneficiaries rather than those responsible for its financial woes. The strategy largely blames the state teachers and public servants, claiming that teachers “earn more than the President” and referring to “golden pensions.”

What’s not mentioned is that the salaries of the teachers are set by the state government, codified in laws passed by local legislators, and their pensions are based on years of service, academic credentials, and contributions to Issstecali. Additionally, the government owes back pay to many teachers, notably substitute teachers.

Neither Marina del Pilar nor her officials address the root causes of Issstecali’s financial collapse, nor do they call for an external audit to clarify what happened to an institution that was once a model of service. They ignore the diversion of material and financial resources, the forgiveness of municipal debts to Issstecali, or the bloated payroll of trusted employees who are brought in with the compliance of the administration.

### Financial Mismanagement and Debt Forgiveness

Here are some key points: Francisco “Kiko” Vega misappropriated 1.432 billion pesos intended for Issstecali, public safety, and DIF. Tecate’s former mayor Zulema Adams failed to cover contributions to the institution, leaving a debt exceeding 60 million pesos. The Mexicali City Council, under Francisco Pérez Tejada, accumulated a debt of 200 million pesos.

In October 2021, Issstecali’s Governing Board approved the waiver of debts from the municipalities of Tecate and Ensenada, totaling 2.497 billion pesos. The result was that, in 2023, Issstecali’s expenses exceeded 10 billion pesos against income of 4.988 billion pesos, creating a deficit of -113 percent. So, through embezzlement, leaders from both PAN and Morena have devastated Issstecali’s finances while redirecting blame towards retirees and pensioners.

The state leaders, directors, and other Issstecali officials cannot escape their responsibility; many are accused of inflating payrolls with the cooperation of union leaders, giving job bases to relatives and close associates, over the more deserving workers. An urgent external audit is needed.

### Proposed Reform and Its Potential Consequences

Although the details of the reform are not yet clear, rumors suggest that there could be increased contributions from workers, a higher retirement age, and reduced pensions—measures that would negatively impact the least responsible for the financial predicament.

Emboldened by the recent elections and the support of a majority (albeit with over-representation and betrayals among deputies and senators), the governor sees this as an opportune moment to introduce her reform. It remains to be seen how the affected parties will respond.

#### Postscript

– As the outgoing administration heads to “La Chingada,” it seems they are taking the country with them.
– Ten years have passed since the Ayotzinapa tragedy with no resolution in sight.

[Oscar Hernández Espinoza, a graduate in Law from UABC, is a professor of Legal Culture and Civic and Ethical Formation in Tijuana.]

### Additional Information: Alarming Financial Mismanagement and Public Concerns

Further reports and official statements corroborate the financial mismanagement surrounding Issstecali. Francisco “Kiko” Vega has been particularly highlighted for redirecting significant funds from crucial state services, exacerbating the institution’s financial strain.

The continued fiscal distress and debt forgiveness practices have not only impacted Issstecali but also have broader implications for the public trust in governmental fiscal management. The ongoing public outcry calls for transparent audits and accountability measures to restore Issstecali to its former operational standard.

As this story develops, watch for updates and further insights into the reform and its ramifications on the residents and public servants of Baja California.