IMAC Culminates Cultural Projects

**IMAC Wraps Up Montserrat Caballero’s Tenure** Jesus Emmanuel Villalba León praises cultural strides during Caballero’s term, citing significant library renovations. Transition to Mayor-elect Burgueño Ruiz urged for project continuation.

### IMAC Concludes Activities Under Montserrat Caballero’s Administration

The director of the Municipal Institute of Art and Culture (IMAC), Jesús Emmanuel Villalba León, recently presented his final report, highlighting the cultural projects and rehabilitations carried out during Montserrat Caballero Ramírez’s administration. The report was presented at a conference held in the Theater of the Casa de Cultura in Tijuana’s Altamira neighborhood.

Key projects over the past three years included the renovation of approximately 14 libraries throughout the city, many of which were experiencing issues such as humidity and aesthetic damage both inside and outside the facilities.

“As a result of these rehabilitations and the restoration of the Benito Juárez library by the State Government, along with those located in cultural centers like the Casas de la Cultura, we now have more dignified spaces,” Villalba León stated.

He emphasized that many of these cultural centers were in poor condition, requiring extensive renovations including restroom reconstructions, installation of fans, and the elimination of humidity, which posed health risks to users.

“The humidity caused health problems. I believe we addressed this issue well and highlighted the importance of libraries in today’s world,” he added.

Villalba León stressed the importance of continuity, urging the incoming administration led by Mayor-elect Ismael Burgueño Ruiz to consider the cultural sector and continue the projects already underway.

“It is very important to continue with what has been established. IMAC is a large entity with many needs, and it is impossible to address them all in one administration. It’s crucial to continue with the rehabilitations and effective programs,” he concluded.

### Additional Insights on Cultural Developments in Tijuana

In related news, the upcoming Tijuana administration has expressed intentions to further the city’s cultural initiatives.

**Young Poet Honored**: Marco Dalí Corona Romero was recently awarded the National Poetry Prize, recognizing his contributions to Mexican literature. This event underscores the thriving cultural scene in Tijuana and the importance of supporting emerging talent.

**Tijuana Triennial Winners Announced**: The winners of the 2nd International Pictorial Triennial of Tijuana were celebrated, marking a significant event in the local art calendar. The triennial attracted participants from around the world, showcasing diverse artistic expressions.

**Gushsan’s Historical Art**: Tijuana-based artist Gushsan has recreated the iconic Emilio Carranza Tower, offering residents a visual journey through the city’s rich history. This piece adds to the cultural heritage and provides educational value to the community.

**Beachfront Renovations**: The city’s efforts to renovate the Malecón in Playas de Tijuana are pressing forward after initial suspensions. The improvements promise to enhance the recreational spaces available to residents and visitors.

As Tijuana undergoes this administration transition, the continued focus on culture and the arts is evident, promising further advancements in these vital areas.

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