Clinic Abuse Protocol Gap

Health officials acknowledge lacking specific protocols for handling sexual abuse in clinics, emphasizing the need for stricter measures to protect vulnerable populations in educational and healthcare settings.

**Health Officials Admit Lack of Protocol for Handling Sexual Abuse in Clinics**

In light of the recent case involving Kim, a 3-year-old girl who was allegedly a victim of sexual abuse at the Graciano Viniegra educational facility in Western Mexicali, the Secretary of Health, Adrián Medina Amarillas, was questioned about the protocols that private clinics, such as the International Clinic, should follow in such cases. He confirmed that no specific regulatory framework exists for handling sexual abuse incidents in clinics.

During an interview at an event announcing the Código Infarto program, which aims to better manage and reduce cardiac-related problems in the community, Medina Amarillas stated that they promptly address any clinic-related negligence brought to their attention. However, he noted that in this particular case, no one had sought their intervention.

Responding to inquiries about whether a protocol exists for handling sexual abuse cases in public or private clinics, he admitted that there isn’t a specific procedure and that clinics generally adhere to ethical codes in health practice.

“We haven’t received any requests to visit the International Clinic or any other establishment regarding this matter; hence, no action has been undertaken,” Medina Amarillas stated. He further confessed, “I’d be lying if I said there was a well-defined protocol. Thankfully, it’s not a recurring issue that imposes a strict requirement on every healthcare system.”

Medina Amarillas also remarked that he lacked detailed information about the specific case, as it falls under the jurisdiction of the State Prosecutor’s Office. However, he did mention that the case might have involved trauma.

**Read More: 856 Reports of Child Abuse in Baja California**

Luis Gallegos, the Secretary of Education, confirmed that 110 cases of potential abuse have been identified and warranted intervention this year within educational institutions. This statement followed questions about Kim’s case, where Gallegos asserted that the institution followed the proper protocols. While he couldn’t provide specific details about the process, he mentioned that three individuals have been temporarily removed pending further investigation. The protocols are activated immediately upon awareness of any potential abuse, whether it occurs inside or outside the facility.

**Additional News:**

**856 Reports of Child Abuse in Baja California**

According to recent reports, Baja California has registered 856 complaints related to child abuse. Authorities handling these cases emphasize the urgent need for stricter measures and protocols to protect the vulnerable population, especially in educational settings.

**School Officials Suspended Amid Abuse Allegations**

Following the reported case of abuse involving Kim, three individuals from the educational facility have been temporarily suspended. Investigations are ongoing, and authorities stress the importance of immediate response and adherence to established protocols in such cases.

**Man Extradited to the U.S. for Sexual Abuse of Minors**

In a related development, a man has been extradited to the United States on charges of sexually abusing two minors. This case underscores the international cooperation in addressing and combating child abuse, ensuring perpetrators face justice.

**Teacher in Preventive Custody for Abducting and Harassing Student**

A high school teacher faces preventive custody after allegations of abducting and harassing a student came to light. This incident highlights the critical role of vigilant monitoring within educational institutions to safeguard students’ welfare.