Checkers Championship Tales

In the heart of nostalgic traditions, Jose Galicot recounts his journey to becoming the checkers champion, shedding light on the mind’s capability and the resurgence of classic board games in today’s digital era.

### Championship of Checkers

By José Galicot September 23, 2024

Dear reader, believe it or not, there was a time without cell phones, computers, or even televisions and radios were scarce. Back then, families would gather at home in the afternoons after the day’s tasks, engaging in cheerful conversations or improvising fun games like charades, guessing occupations, and intense checkers matches. They also enjoyed building structures out of wooden sticks (like Jenga) or playing card games.

During the cold winter evenings, my family would gather around a gas heater. We would place a bowl of water on top to keep the air from getting too dry, and we would roast chestnuts, savoring them together. It was during these times that I honed my skills and became the champion of checkers in our home. These skills would later serve me well when I moved to Mexico City for my studies and competed in the local checkers championship.

For weeks, I immersed myself in the intense world of checkers, rapidly advancing and eliminating many competitors. After 12 days of fierce battles, I found myself in the final match against a tough opponent. Thanks to my long years of home training, I played better and inevitably found myself with three pieces left against my opponent’s one. Despite being skillful and knowing all the tricks, he couldn’t beat me twice as required since I had already won the first game.

The championship rules demanded that I win two out of three games. The judges informed me that if I didn’t win the second game by morning, we would be tied. This fueled my determination. I went home, barely ate, and lay down thinking about the game for a couple of hours before falling into a deep sleep. In the middle of the night, I woke up with a remarkable move in mind, one that neither I nor my opponent had ever encountered before.

The next morning, I arrived at the competition venue, greeted the judges, took my place, and confidently told my opponent, “I’ve already won.”

We started the game, both of us reducing our pieces until I had three and he had one. I executed the move I had dreamt about, and he was caught completely off-guard. Finally, I triumphed.

Dear reader, the subconscious mind… it’s a powerful tool. Intensity and dedication to a subject can often unveil ideas and solutions that we are unaware of when awake. How many times in your life has a sudden idea solved a problem, leading to a happy outcome? The mysteries of the brain are extraordinary; that magical computer given to us by God, which sometimes we fail to program properly.

José Galicot is an entrepreneur based in Tijuana.
Email: [email protected]

### Secondary Article: The Rising Popularity of Board Games Amid Digital Age

As digital entertainment continues to dominate, there is a notable resurgence in the popularity of traditional board games across the globe. Families and friends are rediscovering the joys of face-to-face interaction and the strategic depth that classic games offer.

One of the most celebrated board games making a comeback is checkers. Tournaments and championships for checkers are being organized more frequently, drawing both enthusiasts and casual players. This renewed interest is attributed to the nostalgia factor and the desire for unplugged leisure activities that promote cognitive skills and social engagement.

In recent years, cities worldwide have hosted checkers championships, attracting players of all ages. Workshops and online tutorials contribute to increasing interest, teaching new generations the intricacies of the game. These events often highlight the importance of strategic thinking and patience, qualities that are sometimes overshadowed in today’s fast-paced digital age.

Furthermore, cafes and bars dedicated to board games have sprung up, offering a venue for enthusiasts to gather and play a wide variety of games, including checkers. These spaces foster community interaction and provide an escape from screen-centric entertainment.

As traditional games continue to regain popularity, it’s clear that their timeless appeal and the human connection they foster are valued now more than ever.