Blancarte Life and Art Celebrated

Commemorating Álvaro Blancarte with two exhibitions and the stunning mural “Ancestros,” honoring his legacy three years after his passing. Celebrate the life and artistry of a true Baja California icon.

### Celebrating the Life and Work of Álvaro Blancarte

**By Enrique Mendoza**
**September 28, 2024**

With two exhibitions and the unveiling of his mural “Ancestros,” the life and work of late Baja Californian artist Álvaro Blancarte were honored, commemorating three years since his passing (March 27, 1934, Culiacán, Sinaloa – August 22, 2021, Tecate, Baja California).

The first exhibition, “Es una trama, la pintura,” was inaugurated on Thursday, September 5, at the International Gallery of the State Center for the Arts (CEART) in Tijuana. Following this, on Tuesday, September 24, the mural “Ancestros. Tipei ñakor yaak” was illuminated at the El Chaparral border crossing in Tijuana.

Additionally, the most recent exhibition, “En busca del pez más viejo del mundo,” served as another homage to Álvaro Blancarte. This exhibition opened on Thursday, September 12, at La Caja Gallery, directed by Arturo Rodríguez.

“En busca del pez más viejo del mundo” features 30 pieces of various formats, primarily 12×12 inches, created during the final years of the artist’s life. Notable pieces include “En los viejos mares,” “En las texturas del mar,” “Pez más viejo,” “En los mares amarillos,” and “Eran blancos los mares” among other small-format works.

The accompanying text by Monserrat Sánchez highlights the roots of Blancarte’s work in mythical stories, natural phenomena, and the origins of human existence, reaching back to the creation of the universe. This series was inspired by a narrative from Roque, a man of Pericú descent, who shared an oral tradition passed down through generations.

Sánchez elaborates that the Pericú people’s territory spanned the southern edge of the Baja California Peninsula, an area rich with myths of ancient marine creatures and the formation of marine life. Blancarte’s paintings evoke these mystical origins, using vibrant materials and textures typical of his style.

Monserrat Sánchez, an art critic and curator, concludes, “With the exhibition of ‘En busca del pez más viejo del mundo,’ we pay homage to Blancarte’s legacy as an artist, educator, and pioneer in the arts of this city. Through his unique imagination and technique, he presents paintings depicting the paradise of Los Cabos.”

### Related News: Honoring Álvaro Blancarte and His Influence

In addition to the recent commemorations, the art community continues to celebrate Blancarte’s influence and contributions. Compared to exhibitions held in other significant locations, his work has seen an increasing appreciation over recent years.

**Secondary Article: Expanding Blancarte’s Legacy Beyond Tijuana**

Álvaro Blancarte’s legacy extends beyond Tijuana, with various other exhibitions and tributes happening throughout Baja California and beyond. For instance, recent news highlights ongoing efforts to preserve and showcase his influential pieces in different galleries and cultural centers across Mexico.

Events such as “Herencia de los Mares” in Ensenada and “Colores del Norte” in Mexicali have drawn significant attention. These exhibitions provide a broader audience with the opportunity to experience Blancarte’s profound works, reflecting his deep connection to the natural and mythical elements of his environment.

The continued interest in Álvaro Blancarte’s work underscores his vital role in shaping the visual arts in Baja California and his ongoing influence on contemporary artists and art enthusiasts. As more exhibitions and retrospectives are planned, his artistic vision will continue to inspire future generations.

For further updates and upcoming events related to Álvaro Blancarte, keep an eye on