Baja Day of the Disappeared

Baja California collectives unite at CEART to honor the International Day of the Disappeared, highlighting the ongoing struggle for answers and justice for missing loved ones.

### Baja California Collectives Commemorate the International Day of the Disappeared

**By Ana Karen Ortiz**

On Friday, August 30, 2024, Baja California collectives gathered at the State Arts Center (CEART) in Tijuana to honor the International Day of the Disappeared. Participants placed banners and attended a brief mass dedicated to the peace of their missing loved ones.

“We are here today to commemorate our disappeared. August 30th is the International Day for the Victims of Enforced Disappearances. We will spend some time with our family of pain. A pastor will lead a small mass for our disappeared, for their peace and ours,” explained Olivia Márquez, president of the Baja California Search Collective and event organizer.

Olivia noted that despite the passage of time, many of the investigation files regarding their missing relatives remain stagnant, with little to no progress made by the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE). This lack of action has compelled the collectives to seek federal intervention.

“Unfortunately, the authorities remain unresponsive and slow to act on these cases. There’s no thorough investigation at the state level. We’ve had to federalize our cases, and it’s yielding results. There have been advances, and several of us now have federal cases. Currently, we are in the process of federalizing cases for 20 more people,” Olivia added. She also noted that in 2024 alone, five members of the Baja California Search Collective managed to federalize their cases, hoping for better results from federal authorities than state ones.

Federalizing cases of enforced disappearance, however, is not straightforward. There are specific criteria to meet, including the involvement of organized crime and possible participation of authorities in the disappearances.

Olivia highlighted that despite assurances from the current Attorney General, María Elena Andrade Ramírez, that locating the disappeared would be a priority, the collectives have not had any meetings to discuss their cases. This lack of engagement signals minimal interest from state authorities in locating missing persons, leaving the collectives to shoulder the burden.

According to Olivia, her collective supports 50 families with a missing loved one in the state. Data from the FGE indicates that 1,400 people have been reported missing in Baja California so far in 2024, with 559 cases still under investigation. This year, the bodies of nine women and 79 men have been found across the state.

### Additional News on the International Day of the Disappeared

#### Global Actions for the International Day of the Disappeared

This day also saw global commemorations highlighting the plight of the disappeared. Amnesty International organized vigils and protests in various cities, calling for justice and accountability. The event aims to raise awareness about enforced disappearances and urge governments to take effective action.

#### Mexico’s Struggle with Enforced Disappearances

According to Human Rights Watch, Mexico continues to grapple with a severe crisis of enforced disappearances, with thousands of cases unresolved. Advocacy groups emphasize the need for systematic reforms in the investigation and legal processes to ensure justice for the families of the disappeared.

#### United Nations’ Call to Action

The United Nations issued a statement urging member states to bolster efforts to prevent enforced disappearances and support victims’ families. The statement highlights the international legal framework designed to combat this issue, urging countries to uphold their obligations under international law.

These global movements echo local efforts in Baja California, demonstrating the widespread and urgent need for action and justice for the countless missing individuals and their families.

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