Baja California Mental Health Issues

Stigma surrounding mental illness impedes treatment progress in Baja California, emphasizing the need for continuous support and prevention efforts, especially for adolescents at risk of substance abuse and mental health issues.

### Stigma Around Mental Illness Hinders Proper Treatment: IPEBC

The majority of the population in Baja California facing addiction or mental illness tend to discontinue treatment, leading to repeated relapses, confirmed Víctor Salvador Rico Hernández, the director of the Instituto de Psiquiatría del Estado de Baja California (IPEBC).

“Relapses are very frequent in addictions and also in mental health. People often stop going after their immediate problems seem resolved, forgetting that mental health is as important as physical health,” he stated.

### Lack of Treatment Centers for Adolescents

In the case of addictions, Rico Hernández highlighted that those who seek treatment might relapse up to seven times. Thus, support and understanding from family members are crucial. To address this need, IPEBC has established community care centers alongside health centers to facilitate mental health treatment.

The director identified attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as the primary mental health issue among minors, while depression and anxiety are more common in adults. Moreover, they conduct events in schools and public spaces to identify behavioral disorders, depression, anxiety, family problems, drug use, or addiction history among minors.

“We must focus on prevention during adolescence to avoid new cases of addiction. This involves targeting those who are at risk of using drugs or developing mental health issues,” he expressed.

Minors presenting risk factors are offered group therapy sessions, and their families receive orientation, Rico Hernández added. He also emphasized that adolescence is the critical period when drug use often starts, eventually leading to addiction; hence, IPEBC’s prevention efforts.

### ADDITIONAL INSIGHTS: Mental Health Care Challenges in Baja California

**Shortage of Psychiatrists in Tijuana:** There is a notable shortage of psychiatrists to meet the growing demand for mental health services in Tijuana, exacerbating the challenge of providing adequate care.

**High Number of Children with Disabilities or Mental Conditions:** Baja California houses more than 14,000 children with some form of disability or mental condition who need visibility and adequate support systems.

**Addressing Community Needs:** Unidos con Esperanza A.C., a non-profit organization, underscores the shortage of centers dedicated to treating adolescents with addictions, stressing the urgent need for more facilities and resources.

**Rise in Mental Health Conditions Post-Pandemic:** Recent studies indicate a significant rise in mental health issues like anxiety and depression among citizens, prompting calls for enhanced mental health initiatives and support systems across the region.

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