AMLOs Final Report Highlights

Mexican President AMLO’s final report highlights major projects, judicial reforms, and fentanyl eradication efforts. He expresses confidence in President-elect Sheinbaum to continue his legacy.

### Major Works, Judicial Reform, Fentanyl Eradication: AMLO Delivers Final Report

On September 1, 2024, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) delivered his final government report as the LXVI Legislature commenced. During the event held at the Zócalo in Mexico City, he highlighted the administration’s significant projects, such as the Dos Bocas refinery and the Maya Train, discussed judicial reform initiatives, and emphasized efforts to curb fentanyl consumption. AMLO also praised President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, expressing confidence in her ability to continue and complete the administration’s pending actions.

#### Highlights of the Report
AMLO attended the event accompanied by his wife, Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, and was joined by notable figures, including President-elect Sheinbaum Pardo, Secretary of the Interior Luisa María Alcalde, Security Secretary Rosa Icela Rodríguez, Baja California Governor Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, and other state officials. His speech stressed that Mexicans have inherited a “grand past and an exceptional history,” and that his government laid the foundation for what he described as the Fourth Transformation of public life by reversing neoliberal policies.

“We reformed the constitution and issued laws to halt anti-popular policies,” AMLO stated, noting that 20 constitutional reforms were proposed to restore the revolutionary and popular essence of the 1917 constitution.

#### Economic and Social Achievements
The president claimed that from 2018 to 2023, 9.5 million Mexicans rose out of poverty, and the minimum wage increased by over 100%—an accomplishment he asserted had not been seen in the last 40 years. He highlighted the redistribution of 45,000 hectares to the Yaqui people, construction of an aqueduct and an irrigation district, and social programs that include bimonthly pensions for the elderly and benefits for disabled individuals and students.

#### Infrastructure and Social Programs
AMLO boasted about the construction of 2,750 branches of Banco del Bienestar, built by military engineers, serving 27 million Mexicans with an annual benefit of 750 million pesos. He also lauded the IMSS Bienestar health system, claiming it is operational in 23 states and surpasses even Denmark in efficiency.

The proposed judicial reform aimed to establish the popular election of judges, magistrates, and justices was another key topic. He conducted an informal survey among attendees who overwhelmingly supported the idea of public elections for judicial positions.

#### U.S. Relations and Fentanyl Crisis
The president addressed recent statements by U.S. Ambassador Ken Salazar, who criticized the judicial reform. In his report, AMLO called for the U.S. to understand Mexico’s stance on reducing fentanyl consumption, contrasting the massive fatalities in the U.S. with what he characterized as Mexico’s minimal impact due to strong cultural and familial ties. AMLO noted that only 600 deaths in Mexico were attributed to fentanyl in the previous year.

#### Vision for the Future
AMLO expressed optimism about the nation’s future under the leadership of Claudia Sheinbaum, praising her as an exceptional, honest, and heartfelt leader aligned with his transformative movement’s principles. He concluded with a rousing call: “Long live the people of Mexico!”

**Additional News: Cruz Azul Triumphs in ‘Clásico Joven’**

On September 1, 2024, the football team Cruz Azul delivered a stunning performance by defeating America in the ‘Clásico Joven.’ The match, a highly anticipated event in Mexican sports, further cements Cruz Azul’s position this season.

**Disappearance of INAI Discussed in Recent Legislative Sessions**

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