Alicia González Story Craft

“Alicia González Castro immerses herself in diverse perspectives to craft stories, showcasing women on emotional edges in ‘Border Women.’ Her work resonates in Baja Californian literature.”

### “I Put Myself in Other Skins or Ages to Develop a Story”: Alicia González Castro

A Tijuana-born author from the 1980s who has consistently pursued a literary career and is carving a name for herself in Baja Californian literature is Alicia González Castro. This poet, narrator, and essayist won in the Short Story category of the Convocatoria Libro Impreso 2022 organized by the Coordinadora de Editoriales Independientes 2022 with her book “Border Women.” This book, initially published by Aspargus and later reissued by Editorial Serendipia the same year, has established her reputation. This year, she was also featured in the anthology “Extrañamientos,” compiled by Elma Correa.

#### The “Border Women”

Alicia González has authored several works including “Inventario de ilusiones” (Editorial Existir, 2010), “Random random random, poems to be read out of order” (Editorial Cantarsis, 2015), “Aparte” (Ediciones Alternas, 2017), and “Border Women” (Aspargus and CEI, Coordinadora de Editoriales Independientes, 2022; Serendipia, reissue 2022). Her latest, “Border Women”, comprises 12 stories focusing on women on the brink of various emotional or psychological situations, exploring these themes through fiction.

**Development and Recognition**

The stories in “Border Women” were written between 2019 and 2021. They were submitted to and won the Convocatoria Libro Impreso 2022. The initial publication was handled by Aspargus; however, Editorial Serendipia reissued a refined version titled “Border Women. Mujeres al borde,” adding new stories and editing others for coherence.

**Why Women Protagonists?**

Alicia explains that the stories naturally evolved to feature women protagonists. Following Xavier Velasco’s advice to write about what she knew, she used observation, research, interviews, and imagination to craft her stories. Personal anecdotes, overheard stories, and experimental scenarios all contributed to her storytelling process.

**Exploring Reality and Fiction**

Some stories in “Border Women” blend reality with fiction. For instance, “Dinastía verde” touches on generational differences within a family of three women, while “Niña grande” was inspired by a real-life memory of accompanying her grandmother to a cardiologist.

**Monologues and Character Psychology**

Many of Alicia’s stories delve into the inner lives of their characters, often using first-person narratives or internal monologues. She believes this method allows readers to connect deeply with the characters, offering a new perspective or evoking strong emotional reactions.

#### Inclusion in “Extrañamientos”

This year, Alicia was included in the anthology “Extrañamientos,” with her story “Doppel Love.” This anthology features contemporary voices from various parts of the world, bringing together diverse experiences and narratives.

**Psychological Exploration**

Alicia is fascinated by psychology, using it as a foundation to build her stories. “Doppel Love” and other stories explore themes like double lives and doppelgängers, delving into both the tangible and intangible aspects of her characters.

**The Significance of Literature**

For Alicia, literature is a crucial aspect of her life. It offers her a way to explore different perspectives and experiment with language and narrative structures.

**A New Generation of Baja Californian Writers**

Alicia sees herself as part of a generation of Baja Californian writers who have built their careers over the past decade, often promoting their work independently through social media, online publications, and literary festivals.

### Related News

#### New Literary Voices Emerging in Baja California

Alongside the recognition of established authors like Alicia González Castro, a wave of new literary voices is emerging across Baja California. Young writers are gaining acclaim, integrating contemporary themes and experimental techniques into their works.

**Rising Talent**

New authors like Ana Fuente and Priscila Rosas are making their mark. Ana Fuente, for instance, recently received accolades for her innovative poetry, while Priscila Rosas won the Premio Estatal Literatura 2022-2023 in the Short Story category.

**Expanding Horizons**

Literary festivals and writing workshops are nurturing these new talents, providing platforms for them to share their work and learn from experienced writers. These avenues are crucial in highlighting the region’s rich and diverse literary landscape.

**A Collaborative Community**

The literary scene in Baja California is marked by a strong sense of community. Writers often collaborate on anthologies, critique each other’s work in workshops, and support each other through various initiatives. This collaborative spirit is vital in fostering a vibrant and dynamic literary environment.

Stay tuned to for more updates on emerging literary talents and their contributions to Baja California’s rich cultural tapestry.