Women Rising in Society

Witness the transformative journey of women, from breaking stereotypes to leading nations. A remarkable shift toward gender equality unfolds, shaping a brighter future for all. Join the dialogue at TJGringo.com.

### The Evolution of Women

By José Galicot, August 23, 2024

There has been a significant shift in society reflected by the leveling of salaries between men and women. The archaic ideas, like Pancho Villa’s view that “women, like shotguns, should be loaded and kept in a corner,” or Enrique Jardiel Poncela’s insult of women as “long-haired animals with short ideas,” have been challenged and redefined. A prime illustration of this transformation was the advertisement for Virginia Slims cigarettes that declared, “You’ve come a long way, baby.”

A pivotal moment for women’s liberation occurred with the invention of the contraceptive pill by a Mexican scientist. This breakthrough allowed women to engage in sexual relationships without the risk of pregnancy, transforming their ability to experience love without the dire consequences of unwanted pregnancies. Historically, women’s roles were confined to preparing for marriage through activities like embroidery or cooking. Today, women dominate in universities and participate in previously male-dominated fields such as soccer, boxing, and running top-tier corporations.

This metamorphosis is evident in the increasing parity of wages and the rise of women in leadership roles. Prominent figures such as Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir, Angela Merkel, and Claudia Sheinbaum have shattered glass ceilings, leading stellar governments. Similarly, Kamala Harris represents a potential beacon in American politics. The societal norm of female leaders and bosses, once an anomaly, is now accepted.

Balancing professional responsibilities and family duties remains a challenge for many women. Nonetheless, this dual role is now a reality that cannot be reversed. In Western and westernized countries, gender equity has progressed significantly. Contrarily, in some Muslim nations, women face severe limitations like not being allowed to drive alone or travel without a chaperon. Infidelity can be punishable by death through stoning, a stark contrast to the compassionate stance historically linked to Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

In less than a century, the evolution toward gender equality has led to the potential for Mexico, previously a bastion of machismo, to elect a female president. Both Xóchitl Gálvez and Claudia Sheinbaum demonstrated their competence in discussing crucial national issues during debates, showcasing their intellectual prowess in ways that many men might struggle to match.

The sports industry is also seeing a transformation with women’s professional soccer gaining traction. For instance, a recent match between Mexican and Brazilian female teams in San Diego reflects the narrowing wage gap in sports, hinting at the possibility of female athletes earning salaries akin to their male counterparts, such as $200 million-a-year contracts.

Without a doubt, society has come a long way, but “there is much more to do,” implying that the journey towards full gender equality continues.

### Secondary Article: Gender Equality in Global Politics

In recent news, Claudia Sheinbaum has made headlines with her bold policy promises, including ensuring dignified housing and access to water for the people of Baja California Sur. Such commitments reflect an ongoing trend of female leaders stepping forward with comprehensive and community-focused agendas.

Additionally, reports from August 22, 2024, highlighted the controversies within the political landscape of Baja California, where the governor faced accusations of breaching principles of impartiality, equity, and neutrality. These events underscore the complexities and challenges that come with striving for fairness and equality in governance.

Furthermore, Kamala Harris’s potential rise symbolizes the increasing acceptance and expectation of women in major political roles. This shift coincides with society’s broader movements toward inclusivity and gender parity.

As societies continue to evolve, the increasing visibility of female leaders and their contributions will undoubtedly reshape the political and social landscape, paving the way for future generations.

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