Vote Wisely on Plan C Reforms

Lawmakers must vote independently on Plan C reforms to safeguard democracy and economic stability. Urgent calls for thoughtful consideration and dialogue emphasize the critical importance of autonomous organizations.

**Lawmakers Urged to Vote Thoughtfully and Independently on Plan C: Coparmex Tijuana**

**Tijuana, August 29, 2024** – Roberto Vega Solís, President of Coparmex Tijuana, is calling on new legislators joining Mexico’s Congress to vote “thoughtfully” and not in unison on the proposed Plan C reforms. These reforms, which aim to dissolve autonomous organizations and implement changes in the Judicial Branch, could have substantial implications.

Speaking at the monthly meeting of the Tijuana chapter of the Mexican Employers’ Association (Coparmex), Vega Solís emphasized the importance of autonomous organizations, noting that they ensure impartial, legally founded decisions free from political pressures.

“September promises to be a significant month for legislative activity in our country. Rapid approval of reforms, such as the dissolution of autonomous organizations, could lead to instability,” Vega Solís warned.

The proposed reforms have raised concerns. The alignment of the ruling party, Morena, along with its allies, the Green Party (PVEM) and Labor Party (PT), gives them a supermajority in the Chamber of Deputies, holding 78% of the representation needed to approve constitutional amendments. They are similarly positioned in the Senate, needing only three more votes to pass these initiatives.

Vega Solís stressed that these reforms could undermine economic competition and core democratic principles by removing essential checks and balances necessary for government accountability and citizen transparency.

“I urgently appeal to legislators to reflect deeply and understand the severe consequences that the elimination of these crucial autonomous bodies would have on our nation’s democracy,” reiterated Vega Solís.

He pointed out that autonomous organizations, like the Bank of Mexico, make decisions beneficial for the country independently of the ruling party’s agenda. Such autonomy has been fundamental since the establishment of democratic bases 24 years ago following seven decades of single-party rule.

Vega Solís also highlighted the need for a thorough, consensual review of proposed judicial reforms, considering input from specialists. The Judicial Branch is pivotal in defending human rights and maintaining Mexico’s independence.

**Additional News on Plan C Reform**

**Concerns Over Economic Impact and Governance Transparency**

Economic and political experts express significant reservations about the proposed Plan C reforms. Business leaders argue that dissolving autonomous bodies could harm investment attractiveness by creating uncertainty about economic policy stability. According to recent reports, companies from the UK and Germany have shown interest in investing in Mexico but remain cautious due to potential disruptive changes.

In addition, civil society organizations stress that the elimination of these independent entities could weaken governance transparency and accountability mechanisms. Transparency International has noted that these bodies are vital for combating corruption and ensuring that government actions remain under public scrutiny.

**Call for Further Dialogue**

Political analysts and legal experts call for extended dialogue and consultation. They argue that rushing such profound changes without comprehensive public debate and expert consultation risks undermining democratic institutions. There is a growing advocacy movement emphasizing the protection of autonomous bodies to preserve democratic integrity and economic resilience.

In summary, as legislators consider the implications of Plan C, both business leaders and civil society voices underscore the need for a more deliberate, less politically driven approach to reform.