US Elections Impact Industry Jobs

Recent decline in Tijuana’s maquiladora job openings linked to U.S. elections. Industry cautious as companies wait for post-election clarity before making hiring decisions.

### Decline in Industry Job Openings Tied to U.S. Elections

A recent drop in job openings within Tijuana’s maquiladora industry has been attributed to corporations holding back until after the United States elections, according to Obdulia Rodríguez Sánchez, President of the Human Resources Association of the Industry in Tijuana (Arhitac). Rodríguez Sánchez highlighted that Arhitac recorded a 20 to 30 percent decrease in direct hires over the past month.

Rodríguez Sánchez explained that this conservative approach stems from political uncertainties, with companies delaying investments amid the U.S. presidential race between Democratic candidate Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump. Locally, the change in federal government starting October 1st is another factor causing foreign companies to be cautious, especially as they await different outcomes and new initiatives.

Despite this temporary slowdown, Rodríguez Sánchez remains optimistic about new investments in the upcoming year, particularly in the medical device sector. The industry is also watching potential labor reforms closely, awaiting actions by the new Congress of the Union. “Our stance is to stay alert to these laws and initiatives. We must be prepared for various scenarios, but we have faith in our institutions,” she added.

### Additional News

#### Maquiladora Sector Facing Uncertainty

In a related report, industry experts noted that the political situation in the United States might prolong the current hiring freeze in Tijuana’s manufacturing sector. Companies see the elections as a critical turning point that could affect trade policies and economic stability.

Moreover, according to industry analysts, potential trade policies under either administration could impact decisions on outsourcing and investments in Mexico, prompting corporations to hold off on major staffing decisions until there’s more clarity.

#### Local Economic Impact

Locally, the manufacturing slowdown has broader implications. Reduced employment in maquiladoras also affects supply chain companies and local businesses that rely on the economic activity generated by these factories. The regional economy might feel the ripples of these delays well into the next year.

#### Corporate Responses

Despite the cautious environment, Arhitac remains hopeful that once the political dust settles, the industry will rebound robustly. They are preparing for potential reforms and ensuring that companies are ready to adapt to new policies swiftly. “Preparedness is key, and we are working on multiple scenarios to mitigate any adverse impacts,” Rodríguez Sánchez emphasized.

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