TSJE Plans New Hive Courtrooms

Increase courtroom capacity by allocating budget to create ‘hive courts,’ advises CAT President Gómez Llanos. This innovative approach can expedite case resolutions and streamline judicial processes effectively.

### TSJE Should Allocate Upcoming Budget to Create More Courtrooms: CAT

The State Superior Court of Justice (TSJE) should use its forthcoming budget to establish more courtrooms, according to Alexander Bazán Gómez Llanos, president of the Tijuana Bar Association (CAT).

“There needs to be a generous budget allocation to strengthen the judiciary by creating more courtrooms or implementing the new judicial idea of ‘hive courts,'” said Gómez Llanos.

Gómez Llanos highlighted that these ‘hive courts,’ already in use in other states, have produced positive outcomes by alleviating the judges’ workload.

“In a single courtroom, there are not just one but three or more judges focused solely on issuing rulings. The courtroom secretarial staff and its administration are overseen by an administrative body,” detailed Gómez Llanos.

Alexander Bazán further explained that judges’ time is currently dominated by managing staff, attending to the public, and overseeing courtroom administration. The ‘hive courts’ model aims to reduce these burdens.

“By organizing it this way, utilizing the same space but with more judges dedicated to resolving cases, the judicial process can become more efficient and expedient,” he added.

Gómez Llanos praised Alejandro Isaac Fragozo López, the current president of the Baja California Judiciary, for his improvements over predecessors but pointed out that there is still room for optimizing judicial administration.

“There remains a backlog in case resolutions. Some courtrooms take up to eight months to issue a ruling, while others take two months. This either indicates poor management by the courtroom head or an inherited high workload,” he explained.

### Additional Developments

**Two Specialized Domestic Violence Courts to Be Established in Tijuana**

The TSJE has announced the upcoming establishment of two specialized courts in Tijuana focusing specifically on domestic violence against women. This move aims to provide more concentrated resources and expedite cases in this critical area.

**Judicial Strike in Tijuana Against Reform**

Judges and magistrates in Tijuana recently joined a strike opposing judicial reforms that they believe are poorly conceived. “Judges are individuals with considerable judicial careers; we find the reform proposal problematic,” stated participant L. Zavala.

**Collective Labor Disputes Scarce in Baja California Following LFT Amendments**

Recent changes to the Federal Labor Law (LFT) have led to a noticeable decline in collective labor disputes in Baja California, highlighting the evolving landscape of labor relations within the region.

For more updates on local judicial and legal developments, stay tuned to TJGringo.com.