Tijuana Police Academy Push

Tijuana urgently requires its own Police Training Academy to address the critical shortage of officers, as highlighted by the Tijuana Public Safety Citizen Committee and municipal authorities.

### Urgent Need for Tijuana’s Own Police Training Academy: CCSPT

In the current municipal administration, approximately 250 cadets graduated from the Police Academy and were subsequently assigned to Tijuana, according to Edgardo Flores Campbell, president of the Tijuana Public Safety Citizen Committee (CCSPT). However, he stresses the necessity for Tijuana to have its own police training and education center to mitigate the ongoing deficit of police officers in the city.

“The state provides the human resources, but this situation results in an inconsistency between decreasing numbers and the city’s growth. This incongruence leaves Tijuana in a perpetual state of insufficient force, which is far from optimal,” explained Campbell.

The Municipal Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, José Fernando Sánchez González, highlighted that although around 250 cadets were brought to Tijuana, the number of officers who resigned, became incapacitated, or retired was nearly the same, leaving a total of just over 2,400 municipal agents currently serving.

“Many graduates are retained by the state and distributed to other municipalities, with very few remaining in Tijuana. Under these criteria, we will never meet the necessary staffing levels. We are at the mercy of whatever is available, but our vision should align with actual needs,” added Campbell.

Campbell also mentioned that the creation of a Municipal Police Academy would be proposed in upcoming meetings with the future mayor, Ismael Burgueño Ruíz.

“There needs to be a deep immersion in security topics, a thorough understanding of the corporation, and we are ready to hold pending meetings to exchange insights and enrich the best possible strategy,” concluded Campbell.

### Additional News on Tijuana’s Policing Needs

**Municipal Administrations of Tecate and San Quintín Also Face Police Deficits**

The new municipal administrations of Tecate and San Quintín are set to start their terms with significant police shortages. This challenge is mirrored in Tijuana, where similar issues are discussed by municipal authorities and public safety committees.

**Increased Salaries and More Aggressive Recruitment as Security Priorities**

The local Congress has highlighted salary increases and more aggressive recruitment drives as critical areas of focus to address the security issues in Baja California, particularly in Tijuana. These measures aim to improve the working conditions of police officers and attract more individuals to join the force.

**225 Police Officers Graduated During Current Administration**

During the ongoing municipal administration, 225 new police officers have been trained and deployed. Despite these efforts, retention remains a challenge, pointing towards systemic issues within the current recruitment and training processes.

**Further Concerns and Public Safety News**

– **Human Remains Found Along Tijuana-Rosarito Highway:** A grim discovery of human remains next to a cardboard sign has been reported.

– **Ongoing Violence in Tijuana:** Another violent incident occurred with a man being killed in a commercial plaza.

– **Burned Body Found:** Investigations are underway following the discovery of a charred body on Alberto Limón Padilla Boulevard.

Stay informed with updates related to local security and safety issues.