Tijuana Monday Weather Update

**Tijuana Weather Update: Clouds to Clear** Tijuana greets Monday under cloudy skies expected to disperse. Maximum temp of 24°C with winds at 5-10 km/h. Locals remain unfazed by boardwalk delays.

### Tijuana Starts the Week With Cloudy Skies; Expected to Clear Later

**Tijuana** – This Monday morning, Tijuana began its day under cloudy skies, which are anticipated to clear up as the day progresses. The northwestern city will experience winds ranging from 5 to 10 km/h, as reported by the National Meteorological Service (SMN). The forecast for the day includes a maximum temperature of 24°C and a minimum of 18°C at night.

**Weather Summary for Monday:**
– **Morning:** Clear skies with fog banks along the western coast. Cool conditions in the morning, chilly in mountainous areas.
– **Afternoon:** Warm to hot conditions, particularly in the northeastern part of Baja California.
– **Evening:** Partly cloudy with no rainfall expected across the peninsula. Winds from the west and northwest blowing at 10 to 20 km/h, with gusts reaching 40 to 60 km/h.

Locals are experiencing some delays in the Tijuana Beaches boardwalk construction, though it hasn’t impacted visitor arrivals significantly.

### Additional News on Tijuana Weather and Local Updates

**Weather Update for Tijuana and Surrounding Areas**
– **Morning Mist and Fog:** Expect fog along the coast in the morning, which will dissipate as temperatures rise.
– **Temperature Fluctuations:** While Tijuana will have a high of 24°C today, temperatures in the northeastern part of Baja California might reach higher levels, making it feel very hot in those regions.
– **Wind Advisories:** Wind speeds could peak up to 60 km/h in some areas, so people are advised to secure outdoor items that could be blown away.

**Local Impact on Tourism:**
Despite some construction delays on the Tijuana Beaches boardwalk, tourist arrivals have continued unaffected. Visitors are still flocking to the area despite minor setbacks.

**Recent Local Events**

– **Julieta Ramírez Highlights Leadership Change in Morena:** Julieta Ramírez notes a generational shift in the Morena political party following the recent national leadership elections.

– **Protests at Prime Wheel:** Family members of Servando Salazar have blocked access to Prime Wheel, demanding information about his whereabouts. The State Department of Labor and Social Welfare has received worker complaints about internal irregularities at Prime Wheel, and the State Prosecutor’s Office will inspect their facilities as part of the investigation.

– **Concerns Over National Guard Militarization:** Migrant activists express worry about potential human rights violations with the increased militarization of the National Guard.

– **Infrastructure Setbacks Noted by City Officials:** Gina Arana, a city council member, mentioned the necessity for more investment in road reconstruction and signage in light of perceived infrastructure setbacks under Mayor Caballero’s tenure.

– **Public Transport Expansion:** Plans are underway to introduce additional high-capacity buses and electric units on the Agua Caliente route, aiming to improve transit efficiency.

– **Financial Solvency for Municipal Payments:** The outgoing municipal government assures sufficient funds to cover union payments, while approximately 80 municipal employees have signaled their intention to resign by the end of the current administration.

– **San Ysidro Border Delays:** Long lines were observed at the San Ysidro border on Sunday, with some tourists resorting to purchasing umbrellas to shield themselves from the sun while waiting to enter the U.S.

Stay tuned for more updates on TJGringo.com!