Tijuana March for Missing Justice

March in Tijuana demands justice for missing loved ones. Families and friends unite, seeking answers and support in finding those who’ve disappeared, a collective effort for resolution and solace.

**Hundreds March in Tijuana to Remember and Demand Justice for the Missing**

On the afternoon of Friday, August 30, 2024, hundreds of people gathered at the Cuauhtémoc roundabout in Tijuana, demanding the return of their loved ones in observance of the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances. The march was organized by the collective “Todos somos Erick Carrillo” and included families and friends of those who are still missing.

Participants moved towards the roundabout known as Las Tijeras, chanting and holding banners with messages such as “They took them alive, we want them back alive” and “Listen, my son, your mother is in the struggle.”

Eddy Carrillo, president of “Todos somos Erick Carrillo,” spoke about his commitment to helping others search for their loved ones, a mission he took on after his son disappeared on June 1, 2019. On the eve of the march, members of the collective placed photos, search posters, and candles around the Cuauhtémoc roundabout.

Wendy Bravo, wife of Servando Salazar, a Prime Wheel employee who has been missing for a week as of that Friday, attended the march with her family and friends, demanding justice for her husband’s disappearance. She recalled the last time she spoke to him, informing him about a medical issue.

The event also saw the presence of the family of Germán Rafael Santoyo Toscano, a 25-year-old inDrive driver who went missing on August 21 while working. According to the Baja California State Attorney General’s Office (FGE), there have been a thousand reports of disappearances in 2024, with 350 people still missing. However, search collectives believe the actual number is higher due to many unreported cases out of fear of authorities.

**Secondary Article: New Developments on the Missing Case of Servando Salazar**

In recent developments regarding the disappearance of Servando Salazar, representatives from the Baja California State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) revealed significant progress in the investigation. Authorities have conducted extensive searches within Prime Wheel and interviewed several company executives and colleagues of Servando.

Despite the ongoing investigation and community efforts, the exact whereabouts of Servando remain unknown. Collective groups continue to urge the public to come forward with any information that might aid in finding him.

**Latest News Headlines from Tijuana**

– **Collapsed Cafeteria in Tijuana Malecón Due to Poor Condition:** A cafe in the Playas de Tijuana area collapsed due to structural deterioration.

– **Exploded House in Pedregal de Santa Julia Leaves One Injured:** A house collapse following an explosion was reported, causing one injury.

– **Safety Review of Coastal Businesses:** Following the café collapse, Civil Protection is assessing the condition of other businesses in the Playas de Tijuana area.

Stay informed and connected with TJGringo.com for the latest news and developments from Tijuana.