Tijuana Man Arrested with Corpse

**Recent Incident: Tijuana Man Arrested Moving Corpse** Man apprehended in Tijuana while transporting dead body in blue tarp. Authorities investigate suspect linked to prior homicide. Stay updated at TJGringo.com.

# In Tijuana: Man Arrested While Transporting a Corpse

**Primary Article**

In Tijuana, authorities detained a man suspected of homicide while he was transporting a dead body wrapped in a tarp. The incident took place in the Hidalgo neighborhood, following a citizen’s report about a disturbance at a local residence.

Upon arrival at the scene, Municipal Police officers discovered a man dragging a bundle wrapped in a blue tarp outside the specified house. Upon inspection, they found a male body inside, showing signs of violence and no vital signs.

The suspect, identified as 33-year-old José Francisco “N,” has a prior record for homicide. He has been placed in the custody of the appropriate authorities for further investigation.

**Secondary Article**

### Recent Findings in Tijuana: Body Found in Prolongación Paseo de los Héroes

In another recent incident in Tijuana, the body of a man was discovered wrapped in plastic bags in the Prolongación Paseo de los Héroes area. The body, found on August 20, 2024, was in an advanced state of decomposition.

Authorities are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding this grim discovery. Based on initial observations, the victim showed signs of violent death, similar to other cases reported in the region.

### Armed Attack in Zona Río Leaves Three Injured

On August 19, 2024, an armed attack in the Zona Río area of Tijuana resulted in three people being injured. The assailants, who managed to flee the scene initially, were later apprehended by the police. The incident, which took place at a busy intersection, caused panic among passersby and local businesses.

### Increasing Homicide Rates in Mexico

According to recent reports, six states in Mexico, including Baja California, account for 44% of the country’s homicides. This alarming statistic was confirmed by the Secretary of Public Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC). Efforts are underway to address the root causes of this violence and to improve safety in these high-risk areas.

Keep up with the latest developments in Tijuana and beyond only at TJGringo.com.