Tijuana Kids Need Blood

**Urgent Appeal: Help Save Lives at General Hospital of Tijuana! Children with leukemia urgently need platelet donations. Join the blood drive today and be a hero for those in need. #DonateBloodSaveLives**

### Blood Donations Needed for Children at General Hospital of Tijuana

The Pediatric Oncology department at the General Hospital of Tijuana (HGT) is in urgent need of blood donations. Dr. Mario Alberto Ornelas, Chief of Pediatric Oncology, has emphasized that children undergoing treatment for leukemia are the most in need of platelet donations during their early stages of treatment.

Dr. Ornelas is calling on the local community to step forward and contribute to the blood bank. “We don’t have thirty or forty donors readily available in Tijuana, and for those coming from Ensenada and San Quintín, the situation is even more dire,” he explained. “If you have life, health, and the capacity to share this gift, we urge you to donate.”

The blood bank at the hospital serves a multitude of purposes, including surgeries, childbirth, and emergencies involving gunshot wounds. The demand for blood is always high, making every donation crucial. “We are a small part of a very large hospital system, but the need for blood transfusions is constant to keep patients active and stable until their platelet production recovers,” added Dr. Ornelas.

### Additional Funding Drive by HGT Patronage

The Patronage of HGT has set a goal to raise 200,000 pesos to cover expenses for children with cancer. Dr. Ornelas pointed out that the limited number of donors necessitates greater reliance on society to fulfill the need for blood.

“As long as people are willing to share their life-saving resources, we can manage the critical demands,” he concluded.

### Secondary Article: Global Shortage of Blood Donations Amid Rising Clinical Demands

The need for blood donations is a global challenge, as various hospitals and clinics around the world report shortages exacerbated by rising clinical demands. In recent reports, the World Health Organization (WHO) released statistics highlighting that only a small fraction of eligible donors regularly donate blood, contributing to highly strained blood reserves.

Efforts to increase awareness and encourage regular donations have seen some success in specific countries, but the overall contribution rates are still insufficient to meet the global needs. Various international health agencies are advocating for enhanced donor recruitment programs, better incentives for donors, and widespread educational campaigns to underline the importance of regular blood donations.

In light of these challenges, hospitals like the General Hospital of Tijuana are working tirelessly to appeal to local communities, hoping to bridge the gap between demand and supply. The call for donations is both a local imperative and a global issue, underscoring the essential nature of community support in maintaining adequate healthcare services.

For more information on how to donate and the impact your contribution can make, visit our community health resource page.