Tijuana Judicial Workers Protest Again

Judicial workers in Tijuana demand respect for labor rights, causing traffic disruptions for the third time. Nationwide protests reflect growing concerns across Mexico. Stay updated on TJGringo.com.

### Judicial Workers Block Roads in Tijuana for the Third Time This Week

**Tijuana, BC** – For the third time this week, workers of the Federal Judiciary (PJF) in Tijuana obstructed the flow of traffic on Cuauhtémoc South Boulevard in both directions, demanding the federal government to respect the labor rights of the 788 employees affected by recent reforms.

The protest, which lasted almost two hours from noon until shortly before 2 PM, is part of a series of demonstrations against the reforms published in the Diario Oficial de la Federación (DOF).

Dania Francia Puentes Martínez, secretary of the Seventh District Court in Baja California, voiced the main grievance: the call for the federal government to ensure workers’ rights are honored. “We know the reform has already been approved, there are appeals and suspensions, but our primary objective is to defend the labor rights of the workers,” she stated.

Jesús Daniel Meza, the delegate of the PJF Renewal Union in Tijuana, reported that the reforms could lead to the dismissal of approximately 788 employees. “We oppose the reform and are fighting to maintain our labor rights, guarantees, work conditions, and payments,” Meza asserted.

During the protest, demonstrators covered the street using a Mexico flag and chanted various slogans, including: “The Judicial Power stands strong,” and “Elected judge, disguised politician, if you have a doubt, look at the foolish minister.”

The blockade on Cuauhtémoc South Boulevard follows similar protests earlier this week. On Monday, protesters blocked one direction of Agua Caliente Boulevard, and on Wednesday, they closed the intersection of Fundadores Boulevard and Agua Caliente, near the Aguacaliente Tower.

Tijuana’s Municipal Police redirected traffic to alternative routes during the protests. Officers from the State Citizen Security Force of Baja California also attended the scene.

PJF workers announced plans to protest again on Tuesday, October 1, coinciding with the federal government transition.

### Additional Updates on Judicial Protests in Mexico

In more related news, thousands of workers across Mexico are participating in similar actions to express their discontent with the recent judicial reforms. These nationwide protests highlight the widespread concern among judiciary staff about potential job losses and reduced worker protections.

Authorities in Mexico City have also reported significant disruptions due to marches and roadblocks organized by judicial workers. Other states have seen varying levels of protest activity, reflecting a growing movement that demands attention and dialogue from federal authorities.

Government officials have acknowledged the workers’ right to protest but urge for negotiations to find a resolution without further public inconvenience.

For live updates and detailed coverage, stay connected with TJGringo.com.

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