Tijuana Honors Brave Firefighters

Tijuana commemorates Firefighter’s Day, emphasizing the selfless dedication of heroes like Jorge Villegas, who risks his life to keep others safe. A timely investment in new equipment supports their noble cause.

### “Serving Others is Paramount”; Tijuana Celebrates Firefighter’s Day

Firefighting requires a strong sense of vocation as it involves risking one’s life in every service, remarked Jorge Villegas, Battalion Chief of Sector 2. Over his 31-year career, Villegas has dedicated his life to rescuing people from high-risk situations, finding his greatest satisfaction in seeing people safe and sound.

From a young age, inspired by his father’s firefighter friends, Villegas dreamed of donning the firefighter uniform. He achieved this goal early in life, though he first served as a volunteer for four years before securing a permanent position.

“The first day I wore the uniform, we climbed into a fire truck as volunteers. I felt like an astronaut, unable to move freely. It was a beautiful experience hearing the siren and alarm for my first service,” Villegas recounted.

Currently the Battalion Chief of Sector 2, Villegas emphasized that being a firefighter requires a significant amount of dedication, as the job constantly puts their lives in jeopardy. “Serving others is paramount. Even today, after so many years, I still fully embrace my role as a firefighter because it means everything. Appreciate your firefighters; we are ready to do everything for the people of Tijuana,” he expressed.

This past Thursday, Tijuana celebrated Firefighter’s Day in conjunction with the 102nd anniversary of the city’s Fire Department. Rafael Carrillo Venegas, the head of the department, highlighted the positive reputation the institution holds among citizens and acknowledged the ongoing challenges faced by firefighters.

“We are committed to leaving a stronger institution, though much work remains. There are still many deficiencies, but I am confident that the new administration will continue to strive to build the institution we’ve dreamed of,” he asserted.

Carrillo Venegas noted that the municipal administration invested 53 million pesos in state-of-the-art equipment to safeguard firefighters’ integrity and reduce the risk of cancer. “Not because they deserve it, but because they need it,” he concluded.

### Second Article: Tijuana Firefighters to Receive State-of-the-Art Equipment

In a significant move to support Tijuana’s firefighters, the city has announced an investment of 53 million pesos to acquire cutting-edge equipment. This initiative aims to protect the firefighters’ integrity and minimize their risk of cancer. The announcement was made during the Firefighter’s Day celebrations, which coincided with the 102nd anniversary of the city’s Fire Department.

The new equipment is expected to enhance the safety and operational efficiency of Tijuana’s firefighters, who are often exposed to life-threatening situations. Rafael Carrillo Venegas, the head of the Fire Department, emphasized the importance of providing firefighters with the necessary resources to perform their duties effectively and safely.

Despite the improvements, Carrillo Venegas acknowledged the ongoing challenges and deficiencies that the department faces. However, he expressed optimism that the new administration would continue to strive to address these issues and build a stronger institution.

The investment in modern equipment demonstrates the city’s commitment to supporting its firefighters, who play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of Tijuana’s residents. This move is expected to garner positive feedback from both the firefighters and the community they serve.

Overall, the celebration of Firefighter’s Day and the substantial investment in new equipment highlight the city’s appreciation and recognition of the vital work carried out by Tijuana’s firefighters.