Tijuana Heatwave Safety Tips

**In the wake of rising temperatures in Tijuana, Civil Protection urges residents to stay hydrated, seek shade, and follow safety tips to combat heat-related illnesses. Stay cool and informed!**

### Stay Safe! Civil Protection Issues Recommendations Due to Rising Temperatures in Tijuana

Due to a forecasted rise in temperatures in Tijuana from Wednesday, September 4th, to Saturday, September 7th, the Civil Protection Directorate has issued a call to action for residents to take precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses such as heat stroke and dehydration.

The director of Civil Protection, Miguel Ángel Ceballos Ramírez, advised that to prevent these conditions, people should stay hydrated, protect themselves from sudden temperature changes, and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun by staying in cool places.

**Expected Temperatures:**
– **Wednesday, September 4:** Low 20°C (68°F) / High 28°C (82.4°F)
– **Thursday, September 5:** Low 22°C (71.6°F) / High 31°C (87.8°F)
– **Friday, September 6:** Low 23°C (73.4°F) / High 32°C (89.6°F)
– **Saturday, September 7:** Low 23°C (73.4°F) / High 34°C (93.2°F)

Citizens are encouraged to use UV-filter sunglasses, apply sunscreen, drink fluids regularly, wear light clothing, and consume fresh food, especially when engaging in outdoor activities. Residents should also stay updated with recommendations from the Civil Protection Directorate, health authorities, and the Tijuana Fire Department.

In case of any emergency, individuals can notify authorities by calling 9-1-1 or using the Emergency Button app.

### Secondary Article: Other Recent Weather-Related Updates

**Heatwaves Sweep Across Mexico: Measures and Safety Tips**
Several regions across Mexico have been experiencing a series of heatwaves. National weather services advise citizens to remain indoors during peak sunlight hours and carry water to maintain hydration levels. Special care should be taken with vulnerable populations such as children, the elderly, and pets.

**Heat-Related Illnesses on the Rise: Healthcare Facilities on Alert**
Hospitals and clinics are preparing for an increase in heat-related illnesses by ensuring sufficient medical supplies and staffing. Citizens are urged to recognize early symptoms of heat exhaustion, such as excessive sweating, dizziness, and nausea, and seek immediate medical attention if required.

**Public Spaces Offer Relief during Heatwave**
In anticipation of the heatwave, public cooling centers have opened in various municipalities to provide temporary refuge for those without access to air conditioning. These centers are equipped with necessary facilities and healthcare personnel to assist those in need during the peak temperature days.

Stay updated with more relevant news and stay safe during this heat period.