Tijuana Exchange Rates Update

Exchange rate in Tijuana: US dollar at $18.15 to $18.60 MXN. Bank rates vary, impacting sectors like construction and basic goods prices. Stay informed with TJGringo.com.

## Exchange Rate in Tijuana

### August 26, 2024

On Monday, the exchange rate for the US dollar in Tijuana shows a buying price of approximately $18.15 MXN and a selling price ranging up to $18.60 MXN. It’s important to note that these rates may vary in different parts of the city.

**Bank Rates:**
– **Citibanamex:**
– **Buy:** $16.51 MXN
– **Sell:** $17.47 MXN

– **Banco del Bajío:**
– **Buy:** $16.60 MXN
– **Sell:** $17.90 MXN

– **Banorte:**
– **Buy:** $15.90 MXN
– **Sell:** $17.35 MXN

– **HSBC:**
– **Buy:** $16.71 MXN
– **Sell:** $17.44 MXN

– **BBVA Bancomer:**
– **Buy:** $19.83 MXN
– **Sell:** $20.73 MXN

– **Scotiabank:**
– **Buy:** $16.71 MXN
– **Sell:** $17.41 MXN

– **Inbursa:**
– **Buy:** $16.30 MXN
– **Sell:** $18.00 MXN

– **Santander:**
– **Buy:** $19.53 MXN
– **Sell:** $21.06 MXN

– **Banregio:**
– **Buy:** $19.20 MXN
– **Sell:** $20.70 MXN

– **Banco Azteca:**
– **Buy:** $20.15 MXN
– **Sell:** $20.89 MXN

– **BanCoppel:**
– **Buy:** $16.50 MXN
– **Sell:** $17.43 MXN

### Additional Reports

#### Impact of Dollar Hike on Tijuana’s Construction Sector
The recent increase in the dollar value has significantly impacted construction companies in Tijuana. The higher exchange rates have led to an escalation in the cost of imported materials, throttling budgets and slowing down project completion times.

#### Rising Costs in Basic Goods Affect Tijuana Families
Families in Tijuana are feeling the pinch as basic goods’ prices continue to climb. The steep exchange rates have made it increasingly challenging to maintain household budgets, with everyday items becoming more expensive.

#### No Mandatory Dollar Payments for Rent in Tijuana
Despite the fluctuations in the exchange rate, it’s essential for residents to know that rental payments in Tijuana are not mandated to be made in dollars. Landlords and tenants can arrange to make payments in the currency that is most convenient for them.

#### Tijuana Back-to-School Chaos
Monday’s return to school was disrupted for many, with students arriving in uniforms only to find no classes due to ongoing teachers’ protests. The State Government, however, assures that efforts are being made to resume normal school operations.

#### Clear Skies Expected
Weather forecasts indicate clear skies for Tijuana on Monday, with temperatures expected to reach up to 29°C, providing a pleasant respite from recent weather fluctuations.

#### Fiscal Boost Requested by FGE
The FGE is in need of an increased budget to hire more staff. The current funding is insufficient, leading to delays in processing cases and hindered service delivery.

#### Protesters Rally for Judiciary Support in Tijuana
Hundreds have rallied in Tijuana in support of the Federal Judiciary, with workers continuing their indefinite strike, demanding direct dialogue with the national Congress.

Stay tuned to TJGringo.com for the latest news and updates on exchange rates and local events in Tijuana.