Tijuana Exchange Rate Update

**Exchange Rate Update:** In Tijuana, the US dollar is currently being bought at $18.75 pesos and sold between $19.25 pesos, with variations across the city.

### Exchange Rate in Tijuana

As of Sunday, September 8, 2024, the exchange rate for the US dollar in Tijuana is as follows:
– **Buying rate:** $18.75 pesos
– **Selling rate:** Between $19.25 pesos, with some variations across different locations in the city.

Detailed rates from various banks across Mexico include:
– **Citibanamex:** Buy at $16.51, Sell at $17.47
– **Banco del Bajío:** Buy at $16.60, Sell at $17.90
– **Banorte:** Buy at $15.90, Sell at $17.35
– **HSBC:** Buy at $16.71, Sell at $17.44
– **BBVA Bancomer:** Buy at $19.83, Sell at $20.73
– **Scotiabank:** Buy at $16.71, Sell at $17.41
– **Inbursa:** Buy at $16.30, Sell at $18.00
– **Santander:** Buy at $19.53, Sell at $21.06
– **Banregio:** Buy at $19.20, Sell at $20.70
– **Banco Azteca:** Buy at $20.15, Sell at $20.89
– **BanCoppel:** Buy at $16.50, Sell at $17.43

It is important to note that the exchange rate varies at different exchange counters throughout Tijuana.

### Latest Headlines

**Economic Outlook:**
An expert predicts that the minor economic downturn in Mexico and the United States could end by March.

**Binational Ferry:**
Plans for a binational ferry service continue but with no launch date announced yet.

**Wealth Rankings by State:**
Recent data from Inegi reveals the top three richest states in Mexico. Find out where Baja California ranks.

**Local Incidents:**
– A fire in Tecate that was brought under control is now in the process of being extinguished.
– Tijuana is experiencing concerning levels of pollution, with officials advising the issuance of an alert.
– Eight hydration points have been set up in Tijuana due to high temperatures.

**Judicial Reform Protest:**
Residents marched against the federal judicial reform, chanting “Congress understands, justice is not for sale.” They gathered at the PJF offices in Tijuana.

**Police Deficit:**
Tecate and San Quintín will start their administrations with a shortage of police officers, despite the recent graduation of 243 cadets, none of whom were assigned to Tecate.

**Violence in Tijuana:**
A woman was injured in a shooting near Jaramillo tire shop. Additionally, a violent day in Tijuana saw eight murders and one injury within 12 hours, with no arrests made in connection to any of the incidents.

### Additional Updates

**Macroeconomic Forecast:**
According to recent analyses, Mexico’s macroeconomic indicators hint at gradual improvement, hinting at stabilization as the year progresses.

**Environmental Alert:**
Authorities are reinforcing pollution control measures to alleviate the city’s air quality issues, urging citizens to stay informed about environmental health risks.

**Public Safety Measures:**
In response to the recent spate of violence, local law enforcement agencies are increasing patrols and community outreach efforts to ensure public safety, although the apprehension of suspects remains a challenge.