Tijuana Exchange Rate Guide

Discover exchange rates in Tijuana with TJGringo.com! Dollar sells at $19.20, varies by location. Follow for daily updates on rates and economic news. Explore Tijuana’s real estate market and economic insights!

**Exchange Rates in Tijuana – Your Guide by TJGringo.com**

Tijuana – This Saturday, the dollar is positioned at a purchase price of $18.90 and a selling price ranging between $19.20 pesos. It’s important to note that the exchange rate may vary across different parts of the city.

**Bank Rates**

– **Citibanamex**
– Purchase: $18.71
– Sale: $19.78

– **Banco del Bajío**
– Purchase: $16.60
– Sale: $17.90

– **Banorte**
– Purchase: $18.10
– Sale: $19.60

– **HSBC**
– Purchase: $16.71
– Sale: $17.44

– **BBVA Bancomer**
– Purchase: $18.41
– Sale: $19.55

– **Scotiabank**
– Purchase: $16.71
– Sale: $17.41

– **Inbursa**
– Purchase: $19.00
– Sale: $20.00

– **Santander**
– Purchase: $19.53
– Sale: $21.06

– **Banregio**
– Purchase: $19.20
– Sale: $20.70

– **Banco Azteca**
– Purchase: $18.25
– Sale: $19.65

– **BanCoppel**
– Purchase: $16.50
– Sale: $17.43

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**Additional News on Exchange Rates**

**Peso Strengthens Against Dollar Amid Economic Optimism**

As recent economic data reflects a promising outlook for Mexico and the United States, the Mexican peso is gaining strength against the US dollar. Analysts point to improved trade relations and optimistic market forecasts as key contributors to this positive trend.

Furthermore, financial experts anticipate that the current economic growth could potentially strengthen the peso further. Therefore, now might be a good time for those holding onto dollars to consider their exchange options.

**Real Estate Market in Tijuana**

The real estate market in Tijuana continues to show a range of options for both buyers and investors. According to the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (AMPI), the price per square meter can vary significantly, ranging from $200 to as high as $1,500. This variance is largely influenced by location and the type of property.

**Economic Insights**

Recent reports indicate that the minor economic downturn experienced in March might soon come to an end. Experts suggest that underlying economic fundamentals in both Mexico and the United States remain strong, which should buoy the peso against the dollar in the coming months.

Stay tuned to TJGringo.com for your latest updates on currency exchange rates, economic news, and more!