Tijuana Earthquake Drill 2024

Hundreds of Tijuana residents joined the National Earthquake Drill, simulating a 7.2 magnitude quake. City Hall’s swift evacuation completed in 3 minutes, ensuring safety. Stay informed with TJGringo.com.

### Tijuanenses Participate in National Earthquake Drill

On September 19, 2024, hundreds of residents in Tijuana took part in a National Earthquake Drill, which simulated a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. The drill involved various municipal buildings, including the City Hall, nine city delegations, paramunicipal offices, as well as educational and workplace centers.

At the City Hall, 92 brigade members and 25 coordinators from 42 different departments participated in the evacuation, which was completed safely in 3 minutes and 39 seconds without any incidents. Marcelo de Jesús Machaín Servín, the Senior Officer, confirmed the smooth execution of the drill.

In addition to City Hall, over 1,000 employees and 63 citizens present at the location were evacuated. Shortly before 10 AM, municipal personnel began restricting the entry of citizens and evacuated those already inside before the alarm sounded.

Miguel Ángel Ceballos Ramirez, the Municipal Civil Protection Director, stated that the drill also included simulations of power, water, and gas shutdowns. Unmanned aerial drones were employed to assess the potential damage to infrastructural sites.

One of the participating educational centers was the Health Education University Center (CUES UABC), where approximately 800 individuals were evacuated. A brigade member at the location confirmed the coordinated efforts during the exercise.

Ceballos Ramirez advised the public to stay sheltered for one minute post-earthquake before beginning evacuation procedures to ensure safety. He added that buildings should be inspected by brigade members for damage before resuming activities post-evacuation.

### Additional News: Earthquake Drills and Preparedness in Mexico

#### BC Macro Earthquake Drill

In Baja California, a significant earthquake drill is also scheduled for September 19. This drill aims to educate the public on safety protocols and to test the response capabilities of various emergency and municipal services.

#### Earthquake Awareness and Risks in Tijuana

Despite frequent drills and awareness campaigns, a considerable portion of Tijuana’s populace remains underprepared for potential seismic events. Residential areas located on slopes and improperly constructed buildings pose significant risks during high-magnitude earthquakes. Residents are encouraged to strengthen their homes and adhere to safety guidelines.

#### State Initiatives Against Animal Cruelty

In a related civic initiative, the state’s general prosecutor’s office recently conducted operations to combat animal cruelty. Two interventions in Tijuana led to the rescue of four dogs living in poor conditions.

#### Vehicle Registration Deadline

The decree for regularizing so-called “chocolate cars” (unregistered foreign cars) is set to expire on September 30. Vehicle owners are urged to complete their registration before the deadline.

Stay informed with TJGringo.com for more updates and local news.