Tijuana Earthquake Drill 2024

Tijuana residents join National Earthquake Drill, showcasing preparedness with swift evacuations and comprehensive simulations across key locations to enhance safety measures.

### Tijuana Residents Participate in National Earthquake Drill

**September 19, 2024** – Hundreds of Tijuana residents took part in the National Earthquake Drill, simulating a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. The drill was conducted across various locations including the Municipal Palace, nine city hall delegations, municipal paramedic units, educational centers, and workplaces.

At the Municipal Palace, the drill involved 92 brigade members and 25 coordinators from 42 departments, managing to evacuate the building in 3 minutes and 39 seconds without any incidents. According to the Chief Administrator Marcelo de Jesús Machaín Servín, the evacuation was executed swiftly and efficiently.

In addition to the 1,058 employees, 63 citizens present at the palace were also evacuated. Minutes before 10 AM, municipal staff started restricting public access to the building and evacuated those inside before the alarm sounded.

Municipal Civil Protection Director, Miguel Ángel Ceballos Ramirez, noted that this simulation included the shutdown of electricity, water, and gas services. Drones were also deployed to assess potential structural damages.

The drill extended beyond the Municipal Palace to include all nine municipal delegations, municipal paramedic units, and numerous educational institutions. One notable participant was the Center for Health Education University (CUES) at the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), where around 800 individuals were evacuated.

Ceballos Ramirez emphasized that in the case of an actual earthquake, it is crucial to stay sheltered for at least one minute before evacuating. He advised that buildings must be inspected by brigade members for damages before re-entering to ensure safety and resume activities.

### Additional News on the National Earthquake Drill in Tijuana

**Local: Large-Scale Earthquake Drill in Baja California Set for September 19**
Baja California is preparing for a massive earthquake drill on September 19 to enhance preparedness and response skills across the region.

**Local: Despite Risks, Awareness of Earthquake Hazards Lacking in Tijuana**
Despite the inherent risks, earthquake awareness and preparedness are significantly low among the residents of Tijuana, raising concerns about the potential impact of a severe earthquake.

**Local: Hillside Settlements and Self-Built Homes at Risk in Tijuana**
Self-built homes and settlements on hillsides in Tijuana face heightened danger in the event of a major earthquake due to their structural vulnerabilities.

**Local: 30% Decline in Exports Through Baja California in 2024**
Exports through Baja California have dropped by 30% this year, attributed to delays and failures in the Mexican customs system impacting trade efficiency.

**Crime: Armed Attack Leaves 2 Dead in Empleado Postal Neighborhood**
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**Local: Public Safety Should Not Be in the Hands of Armed Forces – CCSPBC**
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**Local: Servando’s Family Protests at Prime Wheel Demanding His Whereabouts**
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**Local: Dollar Exchange Rate in Tijuana**
Keep up-to-date with the latest exchange rates for buying and selling US dollars at Mexican banks.

**Weather Forecast: Partly Cloudy Skies Expected on Thursday**
Tijuana can expect partly cloudy skies with a maximum temperature of 22°C.