Tijuana Currency Exchange Update

Discover current currency exchange rates in Tijuana. USD at $18.50 for buying and around $18.95 for selling. Rates vary among banks citywide. Stay informed for financial planning.

### Currency Exchange Rates in Tijuana

**Tijuana** – This Tuesday, the exchange rate for the US dollar in Tijuana positions itself at approximately $18.50 for buying, and between $18.95 for selling. It is worth noting that the exchange rate can vary slightly at different locations throughout the city.

Here are the current exchange rates at various banks in Mexico:

– **Citibanamex**: Buy at $18.99, Sell at $20.07
– **Banco del Bajío**: Buy at $18.80, Sell at $20.20
– **Banorte**: Buy at $18.40, Sell at $19.85
– **HSBC**: Buy at $16.71, Sell at $17.44
– **BBVA Bancomer**: Buy at $18.85, Sell at $20.32
– **Scotiabank**: Buy at $17.00, Sell at $20.80
– **Inbursa**: Buy at $19.20, Sell at $20.20
– **Santander**: Buy at $18.70, Sell at $20.40
– **Banregio**: Buy at $18.30, Sell at $20.30
– **Banco Azteca**: Buy at $18.45, Sell at $20.15
– **BanCoppel**: Buy at $18.87, Sell at $20.35

Stay informed about the exchange rates which can assist you with transactions and budgeting in Tijuana.

### Additional Local News

**Price of Square Meter in Tijuana Ranges Between 200 to 1500 Dollars**

According to the Mexican Real Estate Professional Association (AMPI), the cost of square meter in Tijuana fluctuates between $200 and $1500. The variations depend highly on the location and the type of property in question.

**New Security Checks Implemented for Crossing from San Ysidro to Tijuana**

New security measures are catching travelers by surprise at the border crossing from San Ysidro to Tijuana. Authorities have indicated these measures aim to enhance security checks and streamline the process.

**Extended Hours for Restaurants to Attract More Foreign Diners**

Several restaurants in Tijuana have extended their operating hours. The primary goal is to appeal to and accommodate a larger number of foreign customers, contributing to the city’s bustling dining scene.

**Concerns Over Appointment of Jorge Alejandro Palau Hernández at INM BC**

Activists are expressing concerns with the appointment of Jorge Alejandro Palau Hernández as the Head of the National Institute of Migration (INM) in Baja California. There are fears related to the militarization of the National Guard and its impact on migrant assistance.

**Employers Unaware of Documents for Hiring Migrants**

There is a growing concern as many employers seem to be unacquainted with the necessary documentation required for hiring migrants. The INM has been issuing temporary work permits, but the process remains unclear for many businesses.

**Weather Forecast for Wednesday: Partially Cloudy Skies Expected**

Weather predictions for Tijuana this Wednesday indicate partly cloudy skies with a maximum temperature of 23 degrees Celsius. Residents and visitors are advised to stay prepared for varied weather conditions.

**Mothers Launch Protest Over Child Custody Issues Between U.S. and Mexico**

A mother has approached the Attorney General’s Office in Tijuana, alleging the illegal detention of her teenager in the city by the father. She is seeking justice and looking to expedite the legal process for her child’s safe return.

Stay tuned with TJGringo.com for the latest news updates and comprehensive coverage of local and international developments.