Tijuana Clear Skies Thursday

Pleasant weather expected in Tijuana: clear skies, moderate west-northwest winds at 15-25 km/h, with a high of 25°C and a low of 17°C. Morning clouds will clear for warmer afternoons.

### Clear Skies Forecasted for Tijuana This Thursday

A pleasant day is ahead for Tijuana this Thursday with clear skies and moderate winds from the west-northwest at speeds ranging from 15 to 25 km/h, as reported by the National Meteorological System (SMN). The city is expected to experience a maximum temperature of 25°C during the day and a minimum of 17°C at night.

In the morning, the weather will feature scattered cloud cover, with a generally mild and cool atmosphere along the western coast and mountainous areas of Baja California. The afternoon will bring warmer conditions, ranging from hot to very hot in various regions. Meanwhile, Baja California Sur may see partly to fully cloudy skies with periods of showers and possible electrical storms, whereas Baja California will mostly remain partly cloudy with no rain expected.

Wind speeds in different parts of the peninsula will vary from 10 to 25 km/h, with gusts potentially reaching up to 40 to 60 km/h.

### Secondary Article: Weather Outlook and Regional Events

**Increasing Temperatures and Potential Showers This Weekend in Tijuana**: According to recent weather predictions, Tijuana may experience a rise in temperatures over the weekend. Weather analysts suggest warmer temperatures and partially cloudy skies, with the possibility of isolated showers in some regions.

**Local Business Impacted by Dollar Surge**: The recent increase in the U.S. dollar has affected local construction businesses in Tijuana, leading to higher costs for materials and services. Entrepreneurs in the sector are calling for economic measures to mitigate the financial strain.

**Celebrations for Firefighters in Tijuana**: Tijuana recently celebrated Firefighter’s Day. Local residents honored the bravery and dedication of firefighters who risk their lives daily to protect the community. The event emphasized the importance of service to others.

**CBP One Coverage Expanded**: The CBP One application has expanded its service coverage for appointment requests, providing more facilities and easing the appointment process for border checks.

**Record Seizure by CBP Agents**: In a significant operation, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents recently intercepted a record quantity of 360 pounds of fentanyl and cocaine hidden in a tractor-trailer. Authorities continue to strengthen measures against drug trafficking.

For more detailed news updates and daily weather forecasts, stay tuned to TJGringo.com!