Tijuana Boardwalk Work Resumes

Tijuana’s Playas de Tijuana boardwalk construction to resume with urgency emphasized to prevent erosion issues. García Luna faces life sentence for drug trafficking and corruption charges.

## Tijuana’s Boardwalk Project Set to Resume Next Week

### September 19, 2024

The Tijuana City Council has announced that construction on the Playas de Tijuana boardwalk is expected to resume next week. This follows the placement of safety signage at the site and the submission of the required documentation to the State Civil Protection Coordination. Marco Antonio Campoy Arce, Director of Municipal Works and Urban Infrastructure, emphasized the urgency of continuing the project to construct a retaining wall in the southern section to prevent potential erosion and collapse issues, especially in higher areas.

“If we don’t continue with the construction of the retaining wall, we could face significant problems due to weather-related damage. This could potentially harm the street and nearby properties, leading to unforeseen complications within the project,” Campoy Arce explained.

The project, initially suspended on September 13 by the State Civil Protection Coordination due to inadequate signage and a lack of safeguards in hazardous areas, had a budget of 200 million pesos allocated by Montserrat Caballero Ramírez’s administration. As of now, the project has reached a 20% completion rate, primarily focusing on the removal of the old wooden boardwalk and its foundation.

Urbanizadora ROMA S.A. de C.V., the company tasked with the project, will submit the required documentation. Campoy Arce affirmed that all necessary rehabilitation documentation had been submitted to the Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat). However, it remains unclear if federal authorization has been granted.

“This is not a new project but rather a rehabilitation effort in line with the Environmental Impact Statement (MIA) approved in 2009. Appropriate notifications have been made to Semarnat for their review,” Campoy Arce stated.

The Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa) is set to inspect the project. “We are presenting all information to Profepa for their review,” Campoy Arce noted when questioned.

The city council is currently working to secure authorizations from local vendors, especially those closer to the border wall. Notices have been left for vendors to provide construction or expansion permits within the Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone.

Mayor Montserrat Caballero Ramírez confirmed that the boardwalk rehabilitation has been fully funded, with a total investment of 200 million pesos. “We are addressing the Civil Protection observations, and everything is proceeding smoothly with transparency,” she asserted.

## Secondary Article: U.S. Attorney’s Office Calls for Life Sentence for García Luna

The U.S. Attorney’s Office has requested a life sentence and a 5 million dollar fine for former Mexican official Genaro García Luna. García Luna, who held significant positions in Mexico’s law enforcement agencies, faces charges related to drug trafficking and corruption. The prosecution argues that his actions severely compromised the integrity of Mexico’s fight against drug cartels and facilitated the operations of organized crime groups.

García Luna’s trial has garnered significant attention both in the U.S. and Mexico, shedding light on the extensive influence of cartels within governmental structures and the challenges in combating such deeply rooted corruption.