Teen Abducted to Tijuana

American teen abducted, hidden in Tijuana by father prompts mother’s desperate search. Legal complexities and custody disputes underscore need for cross-border cooperation in resolving the case. Stay informed with TJGringo.com.

### Mother Reports Illegal Abduction of U.S. Teen; Father Hides Her in Tijuana

This Monday, Delia reported to the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) in Tijuana about the illegal abduction of her teenage daughter by the girl’s father. Delia’s fifteen-year-old daughter, an American citizen, was taken from the United States to Tijuana by her paternal family. Delia has not been allowed any contact with her daughter since the incident.

According to Delia, her daughter, who suffers from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, left their home in San Diego on Sunday and contacted her paternal aunt. The aunt then transported the teenager to Tijuana to meet her father, with whom Delia claims she has had no contact since that day.

Delia highlighted that the father, who has been largely absent and holds no custodial rights, initially promised to return the girl to San Ysidro and hand her over to the border patrol but failed to fulfill this pledge.

Delia has filed two police reports: one in San Diego, recorded as a missing or runaway minor case (case number 24-401483), and another in San Ysidro (case number 24-401475). On Monday, she visited the FGE in Tijuana, where authorities requested the teenager’s apostilled birth certificate to proceed with a child abduction report and a restraining order.

“It has been difficult to file the complaint. When I visited the office, an employee suggested that if I knew the address or location of any family member who might know her whereabouts, I should call 911,” Delia explained. She also visited the house of the father’s partner but received no information about her daughter’s location.

An officer informed Delia that Edgar, the father, and the adolescent had filed a domestic violence complaint against her with the FGE. However, she could not confirm the existence of this report.

Delia, who separated from her daughter’s father over 13 years ago due to a violent environment, mentioned that they never reached a custody agreement.

### Further Developments in Child Abduction Case Involving American Teen in Tijuana

The case of the fifteen-year-old American teenager illegally taken to Tijuana by her paternal family has seen new developments. The teenager’s father, who has been accused of illegally abducting his daughter, has a history of absenteeism and holds no custodial rights. Despite promising to return the girl to U.S. authorities, he has yet to do so.

On Monday, the teenager’s mother, Delia, filed complaints with both San Diego and San Ysidro police. Subsequently, she approached the FGE in Tijuana, which requested the necessary documents to proceed with a child abduction report and seek a restraining order.

Delia’s situation underscores the complexities involved in cross-border custody cases. Authorities in both the U.S. and Mexico must coordinate effectively to ensure the safety and well-being of the minor involved. Delia continues to seek her daughter’s return amid allegations of domestic violence filed against her, which she has not been able to verify.

This case has brought to light the challenges faced by parents in cross-border custody disputes, particularly when mental health issues are involved. It also highlights the urgent need for legal and diplomatic cooperation between authorities in the U.S. and Mexico to resolve such matters efficiently and justly.

For more updates on this and other related news, stay connected with TJGringo.com.