Tecate May Appoint Military Chief

“Mayor-elect Román Cota Muñoz considers appointing a military leader for Tecate’s security to tackle rising crime rates and prioritize public safety. Stay tuned for his cabinet reveal on September 26.”

### Román Cota Considers Military Leader for Tecate Security

Román Cota Muñoz, the mayor-elect of Tecate, has announced that a military leader may be appointed to the head of Security in the city. This consideration comes as part of his strategy to improve public safety once he assumes office on October 1.

Cota Muñoz, set to reveal his full cabinet on September 26, mentioned that various profiles are being evaluated for the role, including military, civilian, and police candidates. He emphasized the importance of appointing someone who understands the community’s needs and is deeply committed to Tecate.

During an event in Tijuana, Cota stated, “A shortlist is being proposed. We want a leader who knows the needs of the citizens, the challenges facing the security forces, and has a strong dedication to Tecate.”

The current mayor, Édgar Darío Benítez Ruiz, has seen 319 homicides during his tenure from October 2021 to September 22, 2024. The statistics are alarming, and Cota Muñoz plans to address this public safety concern as a priority.

Additionally, Cota Muñoz has already announced several key appointments for his administration, including Omar Blancarte as Chief of Staff, Montserrat Landeros as Director of Welfare, and Samuel Real as Director of Citizen Services, a newly created position.

Cota Muñoz secured his mayoral position under the coalition of Morena, PVEM, and Fuerza por México. He aims to tackle security, public services, and infrastructure issues during his term.

This Thursday at 10:00 AM, at CEART, Cota will formally introduce his cabinet members, who will join him for Tecate’s 25th municipal administration.

### Secondary Article: Security Measures in Tecate Transition

As Román Cota Muñoz prepares for his term as Tecate’s mayor, the focus on security is paramount. The city has been grappling with a high crime rate, especially homicides. This proposed inclusion of a military leader in the security department is aligned with broader trends across the region seeking to incorporate more disciplined and structured approaches to public safety.

Additional reports suggest that neighboring areas are also considering similar measures to counteract escalating crime rates. The move to include military personnel in civilian roles is seen as a potential solution to leverage military training and discipline in combating crime and improving public trust.

The community awaits the final decision and the forthcoming policy changes that Cota Muñoz’s administration will implement, hoping for a turnaround in Tecate’s security landscape.