Tecate Activists Oppose Iberparking

Local activists in Tecate demand the cancellation of Iberparking’s contract without compensation due to past violations, sparking controversy and questions about governance transparency.

## Activists Demand Cancellation of Contract and No Compensation for Iberparking in Tecate

### By Eduardo Andrade Uribe
#### September 30, 2024

In July 2024, Iberparking resumed operations in Tecate, a Pueblo Mágico, prompting significant backlash. Local activists are calling for the cancellation of Iberparking’s contract without any indemnification for the company. The activists insist that if Mayor Darío Benítez Ruiz orders the suspension of Iberparking’s operations, it should be without compensation due to the company’s past contract violations.

Members of the Organization in Defense of the Rights of Tecate Residents highlighted that in 2019, Iberparking neglected a 15-day deadline to request an operation permit after winning an injunction to revoke their contract. This failure prompted former council member Judith Armenta Cruz to assert that the company was already in breach of contract, negating any need for compensation.

Juan Manuel Málaga, another member of the organization, emphasized that Mayor Benítez Ruiz recently mentioned a potential 150 million peso indemnity for Iberparking to cancel the contract. However, the activists argue that since Iberparking failed to return within the stipulated period, they should not be compensated.

When Iberparking resumed its operations in July 2024, it began immobilizing vehicles whose owners hadn’t paid for parking: charging 3 pesos for every 15 minutes, 200 pesos for expired time, and 150 pesos to remove the immobilizer. Legal representative Anabel Vázquez Terán criticized the city council for allowing Iberparking to operate despite numerous documented anomalies.

Martin Barajas, a local entrepreneur, suggested that the company’s activities could indicate corruption or incompetence by the authorities. Supporting this claim, activists presented official documents showing that city officials have not validated the public-private partnership contract signed by the XXI Ayuntamiento and Iberparking.

Ex-council member Armenta Cruz also stated that the contract has numerous clauses violating human rights and contradicting other state norms. Incoming Mayor Román Cota Muñoz revealed he is reviewing legal options to revoke the concession if possible.

### Additional Information:

In related events, more controversies surround Iberparking’s operations in Tecate. On August 6, 2024, residents reported widespread dissatisfaction with the company’s handling of parking fees and vehicle immobilizations. The community has expressed concerns that the city’s partnership with Iberparking undermines public trust and transparency.

In May 2024, a campaign advisor for Mayor Benítez was tragically killed while exercising in Tecate, leading to increased scrutiny and tension around the administration’s decisions. Additionally, on May 9, 2024, the IEE was given seven days to rule on the revocation of a candidacy, emphasizing the charged political atmosphere in Tecate.

As the new municipal administration takes office, the ongoing disputes with Iberparking will likely remain a focal point. The incoming mayor and city council face significant pressure to address these issues to restore order and confidence in Tecate’s governance.

For more updates on this developing story, stay tuned to TJGringo.com.