Senate Clash Calls for Dialogue

Protesters clash with police at Senate venue; SCJN calls for dialogue amidst Reform protests. Tensions high as opinions split on judicial reform. Stay updated on

### Clashes Erupt Between Protesters and Riot Police Outside Senate’s Alternate Venue; SCJN Calls for Dialogue

A group of protesters clashed with riot police outside the former Casona de Xicoténcatl, the alternate venue of the Senate, on the night of September 10, 2024. The demonstrators were opposing the proposed reform to the Federal Judiciary (PJF). The officers from Mexico City’s Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC-CDMX) formed barriers around the building and used tear gas to disperse the crowd.

These protests started after Senator Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez from the National Action Party (PAN) confirmed he would vote in favor of the controversial reform, despite his prior commitment to vote against it. Outrage ensued, leading to the confrontation with riot police, who wielded shields to block access.

On the same day, Justice Norma Lucía Piña Hernández, representing both the Supreme Court (SCJN) and the Federal Judiciary Council (CJF), urged for dialogue to resolve the issues. She emphasized the importance of legal and institutional avenues for peaceful and responsible resolution.

In a message circulated on social media, Justice Piña Hernández reiterated respect for fundamental rights such as free expression and peaceful protest. She called for listening and reconciliation to maintain peace: “The President of the SCJN and CJF underscores the value of justice, freedom, and democracy and calls for a peaceful, open, and responsible dialogue to resolve our differences.”

Senate President José Gerardo Rodolfo Fernández Noroña announced that the ordinary session of the Senate would resume at 7:00 PM at the Casona de Xicoténcatl, which was heavily guarded by SSC-CDMX officers.

Earlier that day, during the regular Senate session, Senator Agustin Dorantes Lámbarri from PAN proposed a suspension motion to halt the judicial reform discussion, deeming the initiative harmful. However, the Senate rejected the motion with 85 votes against and 41 in favor.

As tensions escalated, a group of protesters entered the Senate premises, prompting Fernández Noroña to call for the evacuation of senators for their safety and declare an indefinite recess.

Protesters chanted slogans such as “The Judiciary will stand strong!” and “Listen to your people!” They also displayed banners and Mexican flags, expressing their firm stance against the reform. Fernández Noroña later described the intrusion as a desperate provocation and assured no repressive actions would be taken, maintaining the safety of both senators and protesters.

### Secondary Article: Further Developments in Judicial Reform Protests

Following the clashes outside the Senate’s alternate venue, tensions remain high as both supporters and opponents of the judicial reform continue to voice their opinions.

In an interview, Senator Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez defended his decision to support the reform, arguing that it is necessary for improving the judiciary’s function. Meanwhile, critics argue that the reform compromises judicial independence and threatens democratic principles.

Additional protests are planned in various parts of the country, with activists urging the government to reconsider the proposed changes. The SCJN continues to advocate for dialogue and legal pathways to address the concerns raised by the public and the judiciary.

The situation remains fluid, with more debates and demonstrations expected in the coming days as Mexico grapples with this significant judicial reform issue.

Stay tuned to for the latest updates on this evolving story.

– Information gathered from various news reports and official statements.
– Interviews with key political figures and legal experts.

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