Secure Export Lane Struggles

“San Diego confronts ongoing export lane security challenges; recent fentanyl and cocaine seizures shed light on the need for enhanced detection and cross-border collaboration.”

### Ongoing Challenges in Export Lane Security

**San Diego, CA —** San Diego ranked as the third highest U.S. port for “small-scale trafficking” seizures in 2023, according to data from the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Nearly 13 pounds of fentanyl were confiscated over the past fiscal year, underscoring ongoing challenges in detecting and preventing the entry of illegal substances.

During a recent discussion hosted by the Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT), CBP officials George Rudy and Michael Smith highlighted the complications associated with identifying illegal substances entering the country through small packages, often arriving via air. “We have thousands of small packages arriving at various addresses, each requiring a team of CBP officers a week to examine,” they explained to business owners.

The meeting, held at the National Chamber of Industry Transformation (Canacintra) in Tijuana, focused on border crossing security and the threat posed by fentanyl. Alejandro Jaramillo Osuna, president of Canacintra Tijuana, emphasized the need to enhance security in export lanes where cargo trucks are susceptible to being loaded with illegal substances such as fentanyl.

One of the more significant recent seizures occurred on August 9th at the Otay Mesa commercial port, where CBP officers discovered 77 packages of cocaine weighing 227.96 pounds and 50 packages of fentanyl powder weighing 133.60 pounds hidden inside a commercial truck.

Jaramillo Osuna called for better protection for cargo during transit, noting that public streets are not safe and that safeguarding these loads outside of manufacturing plants remains a significant challenge. He mentioned that cooperation between customs authorities in both countries aims to expedite border crossings while ensuring security.

Most Canacintra-affiliated companies are CTPAT certified, which helps bolster security measures to prevent smuggling. These firms also benefit from various CBP and Canacintra-provided training programs designed to minimize the risk of unintentional transport of illegal items.

**Additional Context – Mexican Customs Issues Impacting Cargo Transporters**

**Tijuana, MX —** Freight transporters continue to express concerns over inefficiencies and security issues at Mexican customs. Alejandro Jaramillo Osuna reaffirmed the importance of reinforcing security in export lanes, highlighting the vulnerability of cargo trucks to criminal activities at border crossings.

Jaramillo Osuna emphasized the necessity for collaboration between customs officials from both countries to ensure that border crossings are both swift and secure. According to him, a significant number of companies under Canacintra hold CTPAT certification, meant to enhance security and avoid illegal smuggling during border crossings.

Moreover, these companies have access to security training provided both by CBP and Canacintra, which significantly reduces the likelihood of falling victim to “blind mule” scenarios where drug traffickers exploit unsuspecting truck drivers to transport illegal substances.

**Related News: Escalating Drug Seizures Rank San Diego Among Top U.S. Ports**

**San Diego, CA —** New data reveals that drug seizures at the San Diego port have surged, making it one of the top-ranking U.S. ports for drug confiscations. This uptick underscores the need for enhanced detection technologies and collaboration among law enforcement agencies to combat drug trafficking effectively.

A CBP report detailed that in 2023, Los Angeles had the highest number of drug seizures with 186 cases, New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport came second with 39, and San Diego reported 24 cases. One of the noteworthy busts occurred at Otay Mesa, where authorities seized a substantial quantity of cocaine and fentanyl concealed in a commercial trailer.

As drug trafficking networks grow more sophisticated, the role of advanced screening methods and interagency cooperation becomes even more critical. Ongoing training for border security personnel and leveraging international partnerships are viewed as key strategies to curb the influx of illegal substances.

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