School Closed Over Janitor Issue

Telesecundaria 118 shut again due to janitor shortage. Baja California teachers without housing credit for 12 years. Governor announces 93% school reopening. Teachers protest unpaid dues on first day. Stay updated at

## Parents Close Telesecundaria 118 Again Due to Lack of Janitor

The entrances to Telesecundaria 118, located in the Ejido Lázaro Cárdenas neighborhood, were once again closed by parents this Monday morning due to educational authorities failing to appoint a new janitor. Alma Rodríguez, president of the school’s parents’ committee, stated that the secondary school has been without a janitor for over a year.

This is the second time the school has been closed for this reason; the first closure was in March, with the school reopening in May after authorities promised in writing to provide a new janitor for the new school year. However, parents were disappointed once more when no new personnel arrived at 7 a.m. as expected. As a result, they decided to close the school entrances.

“We reopened before the school year ended because educational authorities made a firm commitment in writing to assign a janitor for this new school year,” said Rodríguez. “We are raising our voices so that they fulfill their commitment. Parents can no longer handle all the cleaning activities,” she added.

Parents pointed out that female students have been suffering from urinary tract infections due to the unclean restrooms. “We will keep the school closed until we get a response,” they warned.

Additionally, Telesecundaria 118 lacks potable water service, requiring students to manually operate a pump to extract water from a tank. “Since the tank is located at the top of the classrooms, students have to go up to switch it on and off, among other activities,” said Rodríguez.

María del Rosario Rodríguez, a mother of a third-year student, expressed concern about the risky tasks students are required to perform. “They told us the janitor would arrive by August 30, but we are still waiting,” she stated.

### Maestros of Baja California Without Housing Credit for 12 Years

For over a decade, teachers in Baja California have been unable to access housing credit, according to the Sindicato Estatal de Trabajadores de la Educación de Baja California (SETEBC). The union demands immediate action to provide housing solutions for educators who have been waiting for over 12 years.

### 93% of Schools Reopened, Governor Says

According to the governor, 93% of the schools in the region have resumed classes. The government urges the remaining institutions to address any ongoing issues swiftly to ensure a complete return to normalcy.

### Teachers Protest Over Unpaid Dues

On the first day of school, teachers staged protests demanding the settlement of overdue payments. The educators expressed their frustration, stating that they cannot continue working under the current conditions without receiving their dues.

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