San Quintín Cabinet Unveiled

Mayor Miriam Elizabeth Cano Núñez appoints key officials for San Quintín, emphasizing service and inclusivity in her upcoming administration. Swearing-in ceremony set for September 30.

### Miriam Cano Announces Cabinet Members for San Quintín’s First City Council

In anticipation of her upcoming administration, elected Mayor Miriam Elizabeth Cano Núñez unveiled additional members of her cabinet this past Friday. Her announcement, made through a video shared on social media, detailed the appointees who will serve as directors, coordinators, and officials in the First City Council of San Quintín.

“Hombres y mujeres completamente entregados estarán trabajando en este nuevo Ayuntamiento, listos para estar al servicio de nuestro Valle de San Quintín,” said Cano.

Key appointments include:

– **Georgina Arvizu** as the Coordinator of Delegations. Arvizu has experience in this area, having worked in recent administrations in Ensenada.
– **Esther Ramírez Gonzales** will head the Directorate of Indigenous Peoples and Communities. Cano emphasized the importance of support from indigenous communities and hinted at an upcoming paramunicipal transformation for the department.
– **Claudia Ivette Escamilla**, who was Cano’s substitute during the campaign, takes over as the Official of Civil Registry 02 in Lázaro Cárdenas.
– **Fernando Molina Miranda** has been appointed Director of Public Services and Infrastructure. He previously served as the delegate of IMOS in San Quintín.
– **Javier Arreola** will lead the Directorate of Sports, tasked with preventing risky behaviors in youth and organizing free sports events.
– **Luis Alan Miranda Pérez** has been named Director of Education, while **Rita Beadle** will manage the Directorate of Inclusion.
– **Enedina Edith Bautista López**, an indigenous woman and experienced public servant, will oversee the Women’s Municipal Directorate.
– **Mariela Méndez**, an engineer, will be proposed for ratification by the City Council as the Director of Urban Administration.
– **Alfredo Ortega Gamboa** will serve as Director of Tourism, and **Alejandro Moreno López** as Director of Economy.

Earlier, Cano named Erik Yahir Berrelleza Félix as the Major Official; Geovanny Valdez Valenzuela as the Director of Administration and Finances; Karla Chacón García as Social Communication Director, and Irma López Merino as Director of Municipal Social Welfare. Iván Duarte Córdova will serve as the General Secretary and Laura Luisa Mendoza as Head of the Presidential Office.

The solemn swearing-in ceremony is scheduled for Monday, September 30, at 1:00 PM in JM Hall, south of San Quintín.

### Secondary Article: AMLO Extends Legalization of “Chocolate” Cars Until 2026

In other news, the country’s president announced an extension for the regularization of improperly imported vehicles, commonly known as “chocolate” cars, until 2026. The move aims to benefit millions of car owners who have not yet legalized their vehicles.

The initial regularization effort granted certain concessions to vehicles that meet specific criteria, aiming to streamline compliance and improve road safety. With this extension, the government believes that more owners will have the opportunity to legalize their vehicles and contribute positively to the national economy.

This decision has been met with mixed reactions. Proponents see it as an inclusive measure that aids lower-income families who rely on these vehicles, while critics argue it might deter from the purchase of locally manufactured cars and impact domestic automakers.

Stay tuned to for further updates on these developing stories.