San Felipe Election Nullified

**Election Results Voided in San Felipe as Tribunal Uncovers Serious Irregularities** Electoral Tribunal nullifies San Felipe’s election due to significant irregularities, casting doubt on the initial victory. Judicial review may alter the political landscape in the region.

**Electoral Tribunal Declares Nullification of San Felipe Municipal Election**

In a recent session held on September 9, the Electoral Tribunal of Baja California declared the nullification of the municipal election results for the first City Council of San Felipe. The tribunal, chaired by Jaime Vargas Flores and including members Carola Andrade Ramos and Germán Cano Baltasar, identified substantial irregularities that disrupted the certainty of the electoral process, specifically concerning the custody chain of the electoral packages.

The tribunal decided to revoke the election’s validity declaration and the majority certificates granted to the Morena party’s candidates, including José Dagnino López, who had been running for mayor in the newly established municipality.

“The integrity of the custody chain cannot be overlooked or presumed to be maintained; comprehensive certainty of involved actions must be generated,” noted Vargas Flores. He pointed out that irregularities were tied to the performances conducted by the electoral notary for District 5, tasked with maintaining the election’s custody chain.

One significant issue was the notary’s failure to provide a clear rationale for concluding that the operational model for package reception was fulfilled. Additional discrepancies included the lack of clarity regarding the recipient of the packages once delivered by polling station presidents, whether the recipients were authorized, the transportation method of the packages, and instances where packages arrived without official records or adhesive tape.

The nullification ruling followed instructions from the Guadalajara Regional Chamber to admit two previously dismissed demands by the Electoral Tribunal due to timeliness issues. These demands had been filed by the Labor Party and Citizens’ Movement, and the tribunal re-examined claims from these parties along with the Green Party, PRI, and PAN.

Upon reviewing documented evidence and objections raised by the parties, the tribunal found substantial, widespread, and significant irregularities, thereby violating the principles of election certainty and authenticity.

In the June 2 election, José Dagnino López had a narrow win with a margin of 221 votes over Adriana López Quintero of the Green Party. Despite the tribunal’s ruling, promotional chains remain intact, and the case may escalate to the Guadalajara Regional Chamber or the Higher Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary.

The State Electoral Institute announced that it was awaiting formal notification of the tribunal’s decision before rescinding the majority certificates.

**Secondary Article: Mayor of San Felipe’s Controversial Victory Re-Examined**

Following a contentious June 2 election, where José Dagnino López emerged victorious by a slim margin, the Electoral Tribunal of Baja California’s recent decision to nullify the election has reignited debates over electoral integrity. The tribunal’s findings highlighted serious breaches in the electoral process, particularly around maintaining the chain of custody for ballots.

Furthermore, political dynamics are undergoing a shift as various parties, including the Labor Party, Citizens’ Movement, PRI, Green Party, and PAN, have united to challenge the initial election results. Their combined efforts have cast doubt over the electoral victories and prompted a judicial review that could set a precedent for future elections.

The nullification of San Felipe’s municipal election underscores the ongoing need for transparent and secure electoral practices. As the case potentially moves to the Guadalajara Regional Chamber or the Higher Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal, the eyes of the nation are on San Felipe, awaiting the final verdict.

This situation serves as a critical reminder of the importance of strict adherence to electoral protocols to uphold the democratic values and ensure every vote’s authenticity.