Salomon Faz Held After Crash

Former official Salomón Faz Apodaca remains in preventive detention after a car accident. Significant evidence led to strict precautionary measures at a recent hearing on August 22nd.

### Salomón Faz Remains in Preventive Detention After Car Accident

**By Eduardo Villa**

Salomón Faz Apodaca, a former official of Jaime Bonilla Valdez’s administration, will remain in preventive detention after a judge deemed there was sufficient evidence to impose the strictest precautionary measures. The decision was made during a hearing on Thursday, August 22nd, where the initial charges against Faz Apodaca were presented.

Faz, who is connected to the Workers’ Party, stands accused of causing a traffic accident by rear-ending another vehicle. According to the complaint, Faz fled the scene without acknowledging the victim, who then pursued and recorded him.

Despite the non-severe nature of the alleged offense, the former official repeatedly failed to attend summonses. The incident, which took place on January 9th, involved Faz’s luxury vehicle colliding with a woman’s sedan on Montejano Boulevard. The woman chased Faz and captured the event on video.

During the hearing, Faz’s attorneys submitted testimonies to prove his residence in Mexicali but failed to provide any official documents such as a passport or ID. This omission led the judge to conclude there was a risk of flight, resulting in the decision for preventive detention. The court has set a two-month period for further investigation.

### Additional Coverage

**Former Official Faz Faces Legal Consequences**

Following the recent ruling, there has been a wave of reactions and further developments regarding Salomón Faz Apodaca’s legal troubles. Various media sources have highlighted the implications of the case and the severity of the charges faced by the former government official.

In further updates, authorities have stated that they will monitor the investigation closely to ensure all legal protocols are followed. The case has sparked considerable discussion about accountability and the importance of following legal summonses.