Rosarito New Initiatives 2024

Under Rocío Adame Muñoz’s leadership, Rosarito aims to enhance public spaces, education, and digital services, with a focus on completing Escuela del Morro and implementing a Unified Digital Service System.

### Principal Initiatives of Rosarito’s Upcoming Government: Escuela del Morro and a Unified Digital Service System

In just a few days, Rocío Adame Muñoz will take office as the new mayor of Playas de Rosarito. She has outlined several key actions for her government, focusing on reclaiming Central Zone parking spaces and launching a streamlined digital service system known as the “ventanilla única.”

Adame Muñoz, who presented part of her cabinet during a recent event, revealed a strategic “10 x 100” plan, highlighting ten projects to be executed within the first 100 days of her administration, which begins on October 1, 2024. Among these priorities is completing the construction of the Escuela del Morro community school. Additionally, efforts will be made to rehabilitate the Primo Tapia and Real de Rosarito delegation areas, and the delegation in the Centro district will be reinstated. Evaluations are ongoing to improve accessibility in the Plan area and other vicinities near the City Council.

A Presidential restructuring is also on the agenda to address inefficiencies. Adame Muñoz noted the need for better delegation of tasks among municipal officers, suggesting that the City Presidency had previously been overwhelmed with issues resembling tax collection rather than governance.

Moreover, there are plans to relocate some municipal offices to reduce overcrowding in the government building. Urgent actions include completing the Hisense Boulevard connection to La Gloria and enhancing access to the settlement from the Tijuana-Ensenada toll road. Coordination with the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications, and Transport (SICT) is anticipated for these projects. Adame Muñoz expressed her intent to rehabilitate Boulevard 2000, including adding a safety ramp within her term.

Improving road access is critical, as recent accidents have left the area isolated when both the free and toll highways were blocked. Adame Muñoz emphasized a need for alternative exits during such incidents, ensuring no repetition of the recent issues.

The incoming mayor also mentioned positive communication with IX City Council officials and the Municipal Trustee, although she highlighted concerns with DIF (Integral Family Development) due to unclear information flow. She assured that while no unnecessary investigations would be pursued, any irregularities discovered would be addressed appropriately.

Adame Muñoz will officially assume her role as the head of the X City Council of Playas de Rosarito on September 30, with an inaugural session at the first minute of October 1, as stipulated by law.

### Secondary Article: Additional Insights on Rosarito’s Development Plans

Further information on Rosarito’s developmental plans reveals a focus on enhancing public spaces, educational facilities, and infrastructural connectivity. Enhancing safety and accessibility for residents and improving government efficiency through digital transformation are also high on the agenda.

**Historical Efforts and Future Plans:**
1. **Community Spaces:** Continued efforts to improve and maintain public areas like parks and community centers, ensuring they remain communal and beneficial to all residents.
2. **Educational Investments:** Focused plans for constructing new educational facilities and upgrading existing ones to meet modern educational standards.
3. **Infrastructural Development:** Developing and upgrading major thoroughfares to prevent bottlenecks, improve transit times, and ensure safer commutes.

Adame Muñoz’s administration promises more accessible, safe, and efficient public and governmental services, intending to lay solid groundwork for Rosarito’s future growth and prosperity.

This article is intended for publication on as part of a comprehensive overview of Rosarito’s expected government actions and broader developmental plans.