Rosarito Admin Action Plan

Rocío Adame Muñoz unveils plans for Rosarito: digitalizing services, road improvements, school completion. Challenges include City Hall overcrowding and updating infrastructure. Residents anticipate positive changes.

**Escuela del Morro y Ventanilla Única: Inaugural Actions of Rosarito’s Upcoming Administration**

Just days before she officially takes office as the new mayor of Playas de Rosarito, Rocío Adame Muñoz has outlined her administration’s initial steps, which range from reclaiming parking spaces in the downtown area to launching the digitalization of administrative processes via a one-stop window system.

Following the presentation of part of her cabinet, the president-elect revealed that she will soon unveil her “10 x 100” plan. This plan details ten projects set to be executed within the first 100 days of her administration, which begins on October 1, 2024.

Among her priorities is the completion of the community school in El Morro. Additionally, she aims to rehabilitate the Primo Tapia delegation space and restore the delegation in the downtown area. “We are considering whether there should be one in the Plan area, evaluating if it’s logistically sound or if the one near City Hall suffices,” she stated.

The administration is also working on a restructuring of the Presidency. Adame Muñoz acknowledged that the previous administration resembled a revenue collection office more than a presidency. “We need to trust our colleagues and secretaries to each do their job efficiently,” she mentioned.

Moreover, she proposed relocating paramunicipal entities to other venues due to overcrowding at the City Hall building.

As “urgent actions,” Adame Muñoz highlighted the completion of the Hisense Boulevard connecting to La Gloria and creating more access points to the town from the Tijuana-Ensenada toll road. She plans to work with the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications, and Transportation (SICT) on this initiative. Additionally, she expressed confidence in rehabilitating Boulevard 2000, including adding a safety ramp during her term.

“We aim to create more exit routes,” she stressed, highlighting the potentially isolating impact of accidents on the toll and free roads, which can leave the community cut off.

During a press conference on September 26, 2024, Adame Muñoz emphasized the “good communication” she has had with IX Municipal Government officials and the Trustee. However, she flagged the municipal DIF as a “red area” due to unclear information flow.

“We are not here to hunt down faults, but we will act if something falls short or fails to be properly handed over,” she assured.

Rocío Adame Muñoz will officially take the oath of office as the president of the X Municipal Government of Playas de Rosarito on September 30, with the Council session scheduled at midnight, marking the first minute of October 1, as per the law.

**Secondary Article: Broader Plans and Challenges in Rosarito’s Governance**

Further developments and challenges are on the horizon for Playas de Rosarito as the new administration prepares to take charge. Recent reports highlight several significant issues and plans that the upcoming government intends to address.

One major focus is on improving infrastructure, particularly concerning main roads such as the critical Boulevard 2000. Reports indicate that officials are determined to enhance this essential artery, which is instrumental for residents and businesses alike.

In addition, efforts are reportedly underway to support education and community development. The completion of the El Morro community school symbolizes this commitment, providing much-needed educational resources to the area.

Furthermore, the administration has recognized the necessity of modernizing municipal services. The plan to implement a one-stop digital window is part of broader efforts to streamline procedures and increase efficiency for residents and local businesses.

Lastly, addressing overcrowding at City Hall by relocating paramunicipal organizations is expected to create more streamlined operations within the municipal government.

Residents and stakeholders are closely watching these developments, hoping for substantial progress and positive changes as Rocío Adame Muñoz and her team take the reins.

For more details, visit the website.