Rights Clash at Sports Center

Controversy at Inmudere: Coach under investigation for alleged discrimination against a non-verbal teen with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Municipal authorities respond with investigations and corrective actions. Public sports centers adopt new inclusivity measures.

### Controversy and Discrimination at Inmudere

An athletics coach from Club Halcones is currently under investigation for allegedly violating the human rights of a teenager diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The incident reportedly took place at Ensenada’s Sullivan Sports Center, which is managed by the local government.

The alleged discrimination case involves a non-verbal teenager known as Clark, who has Autism Level 3. His family, who are all athletes, actively participate in his training, with his father acting as his shadow trainer.

According to Clark’s father, the incident occurred on May 1, 2024, when his son was jogging on one of the tracks. Coach Zinnia approached them, demanding that they leave the area, and threatened to call the police when they did not comply immediately. A similar altercation had previously occurred with another coach who placed cones on the track to obstruct Clark’s path.

The issue has been escalated to the State Human Rights Commission (CEDH) and the Municipal Oversight Office for further investigation.

Further allegations have surfaced, with six complaints lodged against public officials of the Ensenada Municipal Institute of Sport and Recreation (Inmudere). These complaints range from discriminatory acts to mistreatment.

Municipal Oversight Officer, Elizabeth Muñoz Huerta, indicated that these complaints are being thoroughly investigated. If found culpable, the officials in question will face applicable penalties as per the ethical guidelines of Ensenada’s municipal government.

### Institute’s Response to the Incident

The director of Inmudere, Víctor Octavio González, confirmed that the matter was addressed internally with the coach involved to ensure it does not recur. González warned that repeated incidents would result in the termination of club agreements.

Approximately six athletic clubs currently have agreements in place to use the Sullivan Sports Center for training, a facility subjected to specific regulations for shared use. These clubs contribute a nominal fee, which is directed towards maintenance and improvements of the sports units.

### Recent News on the Topic of Discrimination and Inclusion in Sports

**New Initiatives for Inclusive Sports Programs**

In light of recent incidents of discrimination in sports facilities across the country, various municipalities are taking steps to improve inclusivity and accessibility. Several local governments have announced new initiatives to ensure that all athletes, regardless of their abilities, have equal access to training resources and facilities.

For instance, a new policy in Mexico City mandates that all public sports centers must provide inclusive training slots and facilities for athletes with disabilities. This policy is designed to prevent incidents of discrimination and create a more supportive environment for all athletes.

Similarly, the State of Baja California has launched a new awareness campaign aimed at educating coaches and sports officials about the importance of inclusivity in sports. Moreover, specialized training sessions are being organized to help staff better understand and support athletes with diverse needs.

These initiatives are part of a broader movement to foster a culture of respect and equality within the sporting community. As public awareness continues to grow, it is expected that such measures will lead to significant positive changes in how athletes with disabilities are perceived and treated.

For more updates on these initiatives and other relevant news, stay tuned to TJGringo.com.

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