PROFECO Chief Addresses Claims

**PROFECO Head Pledges Full Cooperation in Sexual Harassment Inquiry** David Aguilar Romero commits to assisting the investigation into the allegations of sexual harassment against him. He emphasizes readiness to engage and ensure a proper resolution.

## PROFECO Head Vows to Clarify Sexual Harassment Allegations

**By Carlos Álvarez Acevedo | August 26, 2024**

David Aguilar Romero, the current head of the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (PROFECO), announced his strong interest in resolving the investigation into sexual harassment allegations against him. Speaking publicly on August 26, 2024, Aguilar Romero articulated his willingness to fully cooperate with the investigation initiated by the Ministry of Public Administration (SFP).

The federal official asserted, “I have always been, am, and will continue to be fully prepared to immediately participate and contribute to any inquiries. I have also taken appropriate measures, including hiring an external legal firm, to ensure that everything is handled correctly in my case.”

During a morning press conference held in the Treasury Hall of the National Palace, Aguilar Romero, alongside President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, noted that the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) had concluded its investigation two months prior. The CNDH found no evidence to substantiate the harassment claims against him.

“Nearly two months ago, on June 28, the CNDH completed an investigation and determined that there were no elements to conclude that the human rights of the accuser were violated,” Aguilar Romero explained. He further added that the CNDH had referred the matter to the internal control body of the Ministry of Public Administration, which is conducting its own investigation.

However, the accuser, a former assistant of Aguilar Romero, published a video on social media refuting the CNDH’s findings and alleging that the commission had re-victimized her during its investigation process. She demanded transparent evidence that she was informed about any psychological tests related to the case and criticized the handling of her complaints.

### SFP Investigates PROFECO Head for Alleged Sexual Harassment

In related news, the Ministry of Public Administration (SFP) is investigating David Aguilar Romero for allegations of sexual and workplace harassment. This was reported by a reputable news outlet on August 14, 2024. Aguilar Romero was appointed head of PROFECO by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador on October 4, 2023, succeeding Francisco Ricardo Sheffield Padilla, who left to pursue gubernatorial ambitions in Guanajuato.

The accuser, Giovanna Salem, Aguilar Romero’s former private secretary, presented a bevy of evidence in April 2024, including audio recordings, photographs, and chat messages alleging constant pressure and harassment. Her accusations have not only reached the CNDH but have also prompted the SFP to initiate an investigation.

Collaborators within PROFECO revealed that Aguilar Romero has been leveraging the agency’s legal team to craft his defense strategy. The new administration led by President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum is also reportedly reviewing the allegations, though Aguilar Romero has remained silent on the matter since Salem’s complaint in April.

### Background on David Aguilar Romero

David Aguilar Romero holds degrees in Political Science from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM) and Law from the Latin University Centre of Veracruz. He also has a Master’s degree in Hypermedia from the Ibero-American University (UIA) and a Doctorate in Public Image from the College of Image Consultants.

Before becoming the head of PROFECO, Aguilar Romero led the agency’s General Coordination Office for Education and Publicity, overseeing the Consumer Magazine. He has also directed multiple ongoing consumer studies, including “Who’s Who in Prices” and “Who’s Who in Money Transfers.” His prior experience includes serving as the Director of Social Communication in León, Guanajuato, and participating in statistical design projects for the now-defunct Ministry of Agrarian Reform.

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### Additional Coverage: Audios and Chats Submitted in Harassment Case Against PROFECO Head

According to additional reports, audio recordings and chat messages submitted by Giovanna Salem provide detailed proof of harassment. The materials are currently under review as part of the broader investigation by the SFP. Insiders have conveyed concerns about Aguilar Romero’s approach to utilizing agency resources for his defense. The outcome of these probes remains crucial in determining the further professional trajectory of Aguilar Romero within the new federal administrative framework.

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