## Increased Inspections in Companies Following Prime Wheel Incidents
In recent months, state authorities have ramped up inspections in various companies after incidents at Prime Wheel. Obdulia Rodríguez Sánchez, the president of the Human Resources Association in Tijuana’s industry sector, reports that the increase in compliance checks follows accidents and a disappearance within Prime Wheel facilities in 2024. Maintenance manager Servando Salazar Cano went missing on August 23, and subsequently, three individuals were linked to the case. Later, on October 21, production worker Eduardo Ortíz Franco tragically lost his life due to an accident with a crushing machine.
Rodríguez Sánchez notes that extraordinary inspections have been particularly prominent in plants within the Pacific Industrial Park, conducted by both the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development. These inspections involve the examination of safety protocols including compliance with the norm 30, which mandates preventive health planning. Companies must present both documentary and physical evidence of adherence through interviews with employees.
The inspections aim to ensure companies maintain healthy and safe environments for their workers. Some companies had not seen inspections for at least three years before the incidents at Prime Wheel, but have since undergone up to two reviews since August.
Rodríguez Sánchez stresses the importance of companies being constantly prepared for such inspections to ensure workforce safety and compliance with regulations. The initiative is considered beneficial as it compels organizations to maintain accountability and fosters a safer work environment.
### Secondary Article: Calls for Worker Unionization After Prime Wheel Events
In light of recent events at Prime Wheel, there has been a rising call for the unionization of workers within the industry. The push for union representation aims to provide employees with a stronger voice in advocating for better safety and working conditions. This movement has gained momentum as industry workers seek greater protection against workplace hazards and the ability to influence health and safety protocols more effectively.
The incidents at Prime Wheel have highlighted existing vulnerabilities within the workforce and underscored the need for stronger safety measures and worker rights. As a result, local labor organizations have been working to promote union membership and encourage participation in collective bargaining to prevent future incidents and ensure a safer working environment for all industry employees.